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A list of 1500 odd wargames blogs - any period, any scale. Use the 'search the blogs' facility if you are looking for something in particular...

Drunken Gamers Of Ottawa added

Drunken Gamers Of Ottawa, some lads from Ottawa rambling about miniature games, added.

FoW Army Men added

FoW Army Men, "a blog for players of Flames of War. Being a relatively new player, the blog will also pass along the trials and tribulations of a newbie!" added.

Miniature Gaming Hobby added

Miniature Gaming Hobby, "ramblings of an old gamer in Ohio, my purpose for the blog is to promote why I ever got into miniature gaming. Terrain, miniatures, rules, and thoughts will be discussed", added.

DJK's Fantasy World added

DJK's Fantasy World added. Nice scratch-built medieval/fantasy buildings...

For Queen and Country or Manifest Larceny added

For Queen and Country or Manifest Larceny, imagi-nations and science fiction gaming in the Victorian era. "H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs, H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard wrote a game together and this is how it looks", added.

10mm Napoleonics added

10mm Napoleonics, wargames on a grand scale in a tiny world, added.

1000th Blog Added! Master Of None

Master Of None, a blog where Alan Ferrency writes about things he's interested in, added - the 1000th blog to be added to Blogs of War.