Street life
Figures for Song of Shadows and Dust-
Let the children dance…and joust
Children at play.
Noresmian traders and Magnates.
Let me entertain you, with pupp...
Create and Draw Monsters 2
I just saw the item on the Monster drawing set, which looks like great fun,
and did a little quick digging. This is what I came up with.
The Create and D...
A German in the RAF
William Ludwig Deetjen
I've was dipping into the excellent airwar19141918 blog for scenario
research, specifically in relation to No.104 Squadron and No.5...
Avro Heritage Museum
I had a spare morning between Hammerhead and Old Trafford for the FA Cup
game (yes, I am a happy Fulham fan), so, I went to the Avro Heritage Museum
at ...
Fight On! Fights On
Editor extraordinaire, Ignatius Ümlaut, has informed me that issue #16 of
the flagship fanzine of the Old School Renaissance, *Fight On!*, is now
Fighters of the Pacific
*Gotta love that over the top box art!*
*The back of the box*
*Rules and scenarios*
*Essential game cards*
*The map board made up of eight sections...
Gulyás the Shirker. . .
Back from another extended ski weekend, it's Spring Break Week, and to get
myself back to the painting table to maintain some momentum. There's a
Forged in Battle Byzantine Cavalry - Part 2
This is the second tranche of new FiB Byzantine cavalry, following on from the
set I posted last week.
This handful of figures are a mix of sword-armed ...
Roman Auxillia and Legate
A skirmish unit that I completed for the analogue painting challenge. I
will sell these as I am only using foundry now for my Imperial Roman’s.
Figures ...
Age of Chivalry- French vs English
Very late post as I had forgotten about this game. During our last club
Games day, a little more than a month ago one of our club members put on an
SAGA ...
Re:customized cabinet Manufactory
Good day,
It's really nice to contact with you. This is Dave from Professional
Furniture Co., Ltd. China who supplys kitchen cabinet, bathroom cabinet,
Shiloh Battle - first attempt
At long last I am able to find the time to post this account of the Shiloh
Game that was played at the end of 2024.
The inevitable happened during the g...
Ironskull skeleton archers
This is another lot from The Arena of the Undead Horde by Steamforged
Games. They are “Ironskull skeleton archers.” As basically low CR mooks
they aren’t a...
Blog Update: "Little Wars Game Submissions!"
Little Wars is a little under 8 weeks away!
Holy Heck Batman!
Okay, so deep breath.
I finally got off my butt and as an HMGS Midwest Member decided to...
Toy Style King Wilhelm and Chancellor Bismark
Converted Britains LTD 54mm figures for the Franco Prussian War.
Bismarck is portrayed in his undress Cuirassier uniform.
Painting of King Wi...
More Chromatic Wars Armies...
Here are the other belligerents in the Great Little War (Little Great War)
about to break out.
The Turcowaz (TURQUOISE) - less its cavalry
Turcowaz: 3 ...
L is for Lots of London Loot - November's Shots
Pretty sure this lot is all courtesy of Peter Evans, with some obvious bits
from the late Michael Hyde's collection, but I've just found a whole box I
Xenos Rampant in the Kuban
Huzzah! I finally got a game in this year. After four weekends of plans
being canceled by weather or illness it was nice to roll some dice.
Dan has been ...
Ode to Quarrie and Bavarian Cream
A New Twist on an Old FavoriteAs many of you know, the Tennant Collection
of miniatures features many that were used in the pages of the Airfix Guide
to N...
Hammerhead 2025
Stu and I took the drive up to Newark for the Hammerhead show armed with a
small shopping list and a chance to meet up with friends and take a look at
AWI Skirmish Game Report
*Stillwater was not very quiet today. We might have to call it The
Stillwater Massacrebecause so many British, Loyalists and Mohawk warriors
10mm late 17th century
The Nine Years War ran from 1688-1697 and involved most of the major
European powers. Our outstanding League of Augsburg range allows you to
refight the...
FPW Battle of Drouvile - The set up
So down to the club today to get the table set up and troops deployed in
readiness for the game starting on Thursday night. After the last battle,
the Fren...
Pardon Me Boy, Is That the Santa Cho Cho?
Santa's train.
Dollar General had these for a sale a while back.
The back.
Cute peppermint motif on the front of the boiler. The wind up motor key is
Shellshock Combat System
The Shellshock Combat System is a comprehensive set of free wargames rules
for WWII, Modern and Science Fiction combat. Designed for micro scale
(1/285), i...
Hammerhead 2025
An awayday and a bit as five of us stayed over on Friday night in Newark
before the show. We turned up at Friday lunchtime and spent most of the
afternoon ...
Wargaming's future depends on THIS
Miniature wargaming is an incredible hobby, but to thrive, we need to take
it beyond game stores and conventions. In this video, we discuss the
Napoleonic Prussian officer backgrounds
It's been a while since we first came up with the idea but I'm still
hopeful that Richard P and I can get a chance to play some *Sharp Practice*
set duri...
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Fallschirmjägers
This weekend I also took stock of the small force of Fallschirmjägers that
I have - to see how close they might be to fielding a playable force for
Bolt ...
Ingolstadt Campaign – Day One
*Campaign Map*
12 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Day 1
The French are deployed to the west of the Nuremberg-Ingolstadt border
They are out of sight o...
Cuentan las crónicas que corría en año 718 de nuestra era cuando se produce
la primera victoria contra la invasión de los moros en España.
Habíamos si...
Renegade Armoured Medusa Armageddon Pattern
The Medusa Siege Tank is an aging Imperial Guard siege platform used when
attacking the thick walls of an enemy-held city or fortress. Built on the
Warlord Games Landsknecht Pikemen Based
Finished basing them today using GW style 20mm squares so that they can
match my other Empire figures.
The new Warhammer Old World system has these type ...
A WW2 Rules Revolution (part 2)
Almost exactly 4 years ago, in February 2021, I wrote a blog post about
developing my own version of the WRG 1973 World War Two rules. I've
continued the...
An unusual Seven Years War game
Its been a while since we have done 7YW at the club, so it was nice to
revisit it. Lawrence had come into possession of some lovely 7YW British,
and wan...
Gallic Wars - Battle of Sabis River - 57 BC
Good afternoon,
I'm running this game at Historicon in July so I thought I would do a dry
run in preperation for the game(s).
I had to scale back the f...
Cavalier 2025 Loot
I picked up loads of loot from Cavalier last Sunday, including these
marvelous trees from Debris of War!!
I'd not seen these thin tall trees before, so...
"Jailbreak!" .. the game
Time for another update.. a game report as promised..
[Move 1] As the sun slowly rose over the horizon, and a new ...
Wandering through the Majestic Fantasy Realms
It's time for another Bat in the Attic update!
I am halfway through the first draft of my upcoming project, Into the
Majestic Fantasy Realms, the Northe...
Medbury Vendel
The King Victorious! I did something I almost never do, the figures were
done and on the movement tray when I realized that the white washed shields
were o...
'Halfdan & the Vikings'
I've collected together a small set of connected games together called
'Halfdan & the Vikings'; these are set somewhere is Anglo-Saxon England.
The ass...
We need to talk about Towton too.
I don't seem to be able to leave this alone. I thought I'd done after my
analysis of aspects of Boardman's book on Towton, however I have on the
Shambling Mound
One of the bigger figures in the fantasy box I got from Chen was a
shambling mould (think animated compost pile). I'd say this monster has use
beyond D&D...
Nugget 369
The editor of THE NUGGET sent me the original of the latest issue on Sunday
evening, and I sent it to the printer (Macauley Scott Printing Company,
24 Fyrmont 1000 AC - Landfall
By midmorning, Broneslav's ship had manoeuvred into position near Tanaroa.
There was no deepwater harbour there, so they moored away from land. Some
The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers
I have recently reread this classic fantasy novel that was originally
published in 1979. *The Drawing of the Dark *by Tim Powers is one of my all
time f...
Getting things done - February wrap up
Quick post this morning before heading out to the first show of the year
Keeping up with the theme of getting stuff done, the last of Arab...
I have been to.... New Zealand (and Australia)
This is actually our fourth attempt to go to New Zealand, two trips were
cancelled due to covid and the third when my wife had cancer. So, fourth
time l...
Square Eagles: Encounter Battle, 1813, Conclusion
We pick up the action with* Turn 11:*
French retain the initiative; With Victor down, his command gets only 2
orders; blue assigns one to the Infantry ...
Peninsular action: a 25mm napoleonic game
Four friends, a collection of 25mm Napoleonic figures, a table, a good
rules set, some beers, and sausage rolls. Some of us are easily pleased. It
was ti...
1/3000 WW2 USN and IJN Destroyer Basing
There are big ships and there are small ships, but in the end (or rather to
start with) they all have to be based. With this in mind I turned to a
dusty pi...
Update from the Shipyards: Making Ship Bases
Lately I've been taking a break from Ancients gaming stuff to try and
formulate a plan to base my growing collection of 1/2400 scale naval
models, a side...
Grenadier Command
Having finished the rank and file figures for my Hungarian Grenadiers I
have now moved on to the Command group. The officer is one of my all time
Paratroopers And Partisans
For something a little different I have decided to add a partisan brigade
to my WWII Soviet collection.
For particular operations, particularly in the buil...
The 2025 Plan (Sorta and Late!)
*Me and the "gang" working on the plan.*
*Each year I make a plan for my (primarily) miniature painting activities.
The year 2023 was the year of "The B...
Pollacra catalana
WSS, Catalan polacre Minairons, escala 1/600 (=3mm) Degut a un greu
problema de salut familiar que no cal airejar aquí, no he pogut asseure'm
al banc de tr...
The Seven Years War project - Sweden
At the outset of the project to refurbish and rebase the Seven Years War
collection, a Swedish army was placed on my list to do. The campaign in
Empire army for Warhammer Old World
I was really exited when warhammer the old world was released so i just had
to build me a Empire army of my leftover warhammer minis from back in the
Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone - Lawman 1
Good evening to you all out there on the internets.
An upcoming gaming weekend has skewed my focus wildly. I've lain down the
rusty musket and taken up ...
Dominator Mech in Ironmonger Pattern Armor
I recently finished a new project for my Dominator range of mechs, the
Ironmonger pattern armor, forged in the hellish manufacturing facilities of
Reconquista 10
Time has moved quickly this month and there are a few things in the
sidelines that have or will be completed for the AHPC XV.
When starting a new projec...
Some thoughts on the simplicity of OHW
I purchased One Hour Wargames when it was first published. My initial
assessment of the rules were that they were too simple for my taste. The 30
Sea Devils & U.N.I.T
More figures done for Doctor Who this time some Sea Devils and UNIT
troopers , the Sea Devils are from the short lived Warlord range and teh
UNIT are resin...
28mm Moderns
Today's post features some miniatures that I started painting at the end of
July 2024 and finished in fall 2024. I recently got them out for photos on
Judge Dredd
This is a long overdue post about the Christmas game we played at the
club. It was a Judge Dredd miniatures game with appropriate Christmas
touches (inc...
The Sun Never Sets - Chinese Part 2
In this group will be found some of the command elements of the Chinese
army, along with their artillery, and some of the more exoticly armed
Yet more kobolds for Fantastic Scuffles!
Here are another seven 28mm Warp Miniatures kobolds, completed to add to my
'horde' party for playtesting *Fantastic Scuffles*.
These are such wonderful ...
New Toy Time
This post is about testing my new light box.
Prompted by other wargamers on social media, I bought the newly available
10" Puluz model for £12.99 from eB...
Orc Heavy Infantry (Oathmark)
I’ve finished painting my latest unit for my large plastic Orc & Goblin
army. This is a unit of 30 Orc Heavy Infantry with hand weapon and shield,
from the...
Oldhammer Battle new ideas?
I have been playing Warhammer since zero, so I do know the rules after huge
changes over decades, I like to keep up many, many armies and forces and a ...
A most excellent Commands & Colors blog
I happened to be browsing a wargaming page on Facebook the other day and
came across a few photos of a Commands & Colors: Ancients game and a link
to a b...
Vamps lead the League!
News from northern Australia where Bloodbowl coach 'Right Stuff" Reilly
sits proudly at the top of the standings with his still undefeated Vampire
28mm PMCs and the last of the Crites
I’ve finished some SASM Miniatures and the last of my Critters.
The miniatures are based off of the characters from the movie Mile 22
They make excellen...
Orcs and Elves
I have been cramming an extra figure onto the odd base to use up the left
The extra smaller Orc at the front helps with the scale of the boss, maki...
"Lord Aukon has seen the sign!"
Save me from "*The Wasting"*, an early title for the story "*State of
Decay"* by Terrance Dicks. A story that almost never got made as the BBC
Drama depa...
Farewell to Warhammer.
That's it. I am definitely done with Warhammer. Me and my best friend, who
passed away in 2020, started in the early eighties and we did 1st, 2nd and
Battle near Ziegenfeldt...
Saxe-Jarlsberg have sent a small probing force through the hills into the
Hoflandt, their presence was detected and a similar sized force of
Wittenberg t...
Saxe-Jarlsberg: Leib Infantry Regiment
*My take on Brunswick Leib Infantry Regiment completed for the
Saxe-Jarlsberg army, I've used Foundry Prussian Guard figures (IR 15) and
not done the sc...
1/72 Napoleonic Portuguese Cavalry and infantry
Hi guys
Finished the painting on a 1/72 Napoleonic Portuguese Cavalry and infantry
regiment, the figures are 3D printed using MC miniatures files, thes...
Another new project starts to take shape
My 15mm Saxons for the Seven Years War had their first outing yesterday.
There aren't many so i was seconded to fight alongside the Prussians
against a ...
Sharp Practice: A Hero in Peril at Roganjosh!
Back to a turbulent India with Phil and Andy, and another *Sharp Practice*
game was the British race to rescue Colonel Flashman, captured by the
Pandies an...
Don't wake the dragon!
We tried a new scenario recently for *Oathmark*. It was basically a meeting
engagement, but when you arrive at the battlefield, you find a dragon
25/28mm Acheson Creations - Graves
These take up up a lot of real estate on the workbench due to their huge
footprints but it will be fun to fold some of them in with the first couple
Old Games & Old Guys
This week I have been thinking about a few things going on with me and
gaming. No I am not getting out of it, but were my recent thoughts have
Denim 1
This guide is based on the original Vallejo Game Color (VGC) paints. These
colors may no longer exist by these codes/names, if at all.
Prehistoric Dinosaur-Dragon Toys
Passing through the toy section on a recent visit to a shop I found this
pack of "Prehistoric Dinosaurs", but it turns out they're actually one,
two and...
Most of my collection now on sale
I've decided to drastically thin back my massive collection.
Most of my Africa and Middle East miniatures will be posted in the coming
weeks and there...
Chintoys Marathon
Chintoys is a Russian manufacturer of toy soldiers. They are known mostly
for their eclectic range of 1/32 scale figures, but their most recent
release are...
Cheating, the Affair and the Second Marriage
I am talking paint. Since I returned to Australia in late 2020 (it may be
Covid related) supply of Humbrol enamel paints have been unreliable. Toy
Confederate Cavalry
This will be third submission to the challenge and my second cavalry. I
painted a union cavalry and now I'm adding a confederate to keep pace with
20mm War of 1812 Second Phase Complete!
The second phase of Bill's Frying Pan & Blanket Amalgamated commission is
based, sealed, and ready to pack for shipping! These 302 figures took
around two ...
Compagnie d' elite 3D vehicles and accesories
My mate Peter reorganized his webshop which you can now visit here
I just got his new Gribeauval material cart, very useful for my French
Warlord Epic Micro transfer - are they worth it?
Short answer is Yes.
Long answer
I considered them a gimmick, not because they are small (I use smaller
decals on my BallteMechs, but because you need ...
Crann Tara Palatine Pfalz Kürassier. 1740s.
These chaps are Crann Tara French Fitz James' Cavalry figures from their
WAS/SYW range masquerading as Kürassier in the service of the
Two 28mm Burned Out Farmhouses
Back in 2020 I painted up these resin ruined farmhouse sections. I've been
enjoying using them in games as their footprint and styling are both to my
West German AFV Data Cards - An updated version
Hi All. Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. It's been a bit of
a crap summer and I haven't had much time, energy or most importantly the
More 3D-printed goodies for my Japanese castle
I thought my lovely Japanese castle that I had 3D-printed recently by
Potbelly Miniatures was looking a wee bit lonely without external walls and
a gatehou...
Mackay,s Farm: an AWI Sharp Practice scenario
The crown forces have recently carried out a patrol in a 'rebel' area
and discovered a cache of arms in a barn on James Mackay's farm. It has
been d...
Still Alive!
Catching shingles for the New Year is not the kind of present that anyone
wants. A surprising amount of pain is utterly discombobulating. A lack of
Father Shandor - the comic strips 7-9
And that is all that are currently out there. There are synopses and the
odd page scan of the subsequent stories, but nothing complete. ...
Atomic Punk 2240 Deal of the Day!
Anyone that follows this blog should know that I love P.A. RPG's! What you
may not know is that while I don't really play video games, I have enjoyed ...
Airfix Junkers Ju88A-4
I was really looking forward to building this iconic light bomber, but it
ended up as the worst kit ever, and combined with busy work, completely
F&I War in 40mm
Recently I caught up with some of the guys locally for a 40mm game set in
the French & Indian War. The game was played using a locally homebrewed
variant o...
F&I War in 40mm
Recently I caught up with some of the guys locally for a 40mm game set in
the French & Indian War. The game was played using a locally homebrewed
variant o...
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
Disabled Comments
I'm finding it increasingly difficult to use Livejournal and can't get
cross-posting from Dreamwidth to work any more. I don't want to delete my
account ...
Goodbye to all that.
Well, I saw my lovely English Civil War armies leave my control last
weekend. It was a real struggle, but needs must. Actually, that's not
strictly true...
Arabian nights
Hey boys! It's been a while since the last post. Don't worry, I'm still in
the running. I just haven't the time to take pictures of my paint job...
some ...
Fantasy Gladiators
As some of you may know we released *Arena of Blood* last year and it
turned out to be more versatile than I hoped. After a few historical
Irregular Frankish Infantry
This is one of my favorite units in any of my armies. I love the period,
and the sculpts and poses are great. The figures are from Irregular
Miniatures' 'S...
SCULPTURE: "Bird Feeder Bot"
I finally finished a project that I've been working on for 4 weeks. Meet my
new "Bird Feeder Bot"! I don't weld, so I built this guy out of wood, and
More Sword and Sandal
I've completed work on the second of three Roman Fabii Clan Leaders. While
doing the second I realised where I'd gone wrong with painting the shield
of ...
Legions Imperialis XX Legions vs Solar Auxilia
2000 pts XX Legion vs Solar Auxilia. We played the modified EA tournament
Burgundian Siege (2)
I'm on the cusp of recommencing painting more Swiss & Burgundians - I've
totted-up howmany figures I need to do for a large Berne pike block and
some suppo...
Moving Again
Have switched locations for my sporadic not so Microblogging.
Facebook has turned into a bit of a backwater when it comes to engagement.
It's just an uns...
First figures of 2025
With the hot of the press publication of the new version of PBI, I've
painted a few new bits for my late war Germans. This includes medium
mortars, MMgs...
Munitionschlepper Wespe
I am fortunate enough to already own two 1/48 scale Wespe SP guns, so when
I found I have a (part built) kit of a third I decided to build it as an
Basing & Transport of 15mm Wargaming Miniatures
Last year's Historicon game of For King & Parliament's English Civil War
Battle of Montgomery posed many new challenges for me. One of them was
basing. W...
15mm is Back! +Tanks
*Why 15mm are great: *
Firstly, they are pretty kid-proof/cheap. A fall from the table may
separate them off a base but rarely cause damage unlike a resi...
KoW- Orcs vs Kingdoms of Men
I popped up to Timaru today and had a game of Kings of War vs my old
gaming mate Nigel. Nigel hasn’t played since Onslaught IV in 2023 and was
using the...
Square Bashing in 1914
We played another Square Bashing game, but this time in 15mm with early
great war armies. Somewhere in southern Belgium the BEF try to stop von
Kluck's 1...
New Year 2025
Happy New Year!
A couple of quick updates.
First off, my goal for a vampiric Deadcember was a pretty big flop. But I
did get this lovely couple and their...
2024 in review
Slightly delayed, but here is my annual look back at the previous year, and
comparing it to the plans that I made at the start of the year…
Reflecting on 2024 and Considering the New Year
Hey everybody, hope all is well and that your holidays were wonderful.
This past year was a bit of an anomaly for me. I basically stepped away
from gam...
Warp Speed into 2025
The last year has been quite challenging. I suffered a stroke in November
2023 and have spent the last year or so in recovery. I'm not there yet, but
Into the New Year!
*Happy New Year one and all! Best wishes for 2025!*
My other gaming blog has a fulsome wrap-up of my hobby year for those
interested: https://tasmancave...
Oldhammer T-Shirt - 2025 Edition Drop
As the wheel of time grinds ever onwards, it's time to unleash the
Oldhammer 2025 Exclusive Edition t-shirt into the old world, and jettison
the 2024 Editi...
15mm Medieval Cavalry
After almost two years of painting doldrums after the death of my "sister
from another mister" Lori Brom, I've finally begun to get my painting mojo
This is the end... of 2024!
Hello and welcome to Inso's World again... admittedly, after quite a
break... but welcome, nonetheless!
Tomorrow is the last day of 2024 and as a lot of...
American Civil War battle report
I finally finished all my 1/72 scale American Civil War troops. This and my
AWI forces are the only ones I have in this scale, with everything else
15mm King Tigers
15mm King Tigers, the last bit added to the Waffen-SS Infantry, half-tracks
and Pumas. Plastic models by Battlefront, and they are very nice indeed.
Baby Jesus!
The reason for the Christmas Season
and the rest of our lives.
He quietly grew....
Into a carpenter to build a planetary way of life and.....
2024 Merry Christmas
Baby Jesus!
The reason for the Christmas Season
and the rest of our lives.
He quietly grew....
Into a carpenter to build a planetary way of life and.....
Attack on the Railway Gun Installation...
*British commandos and French resistance attack the railway gun
The commandos with their guide have arrived by the perimeter ...
Mark's Game Room reviews Blood on the Sands
The excellent YouTube wargaming channel, Mark's Game Room, has done a
review and a quick explanation of Blood on the Sands. Please show them some
Numidian Skirmishers
Again I've been finding time and energy to write blog posts difficult to
acquire. These 20mm Newline Designs Numidians have been complete for some
time. ...
Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've
halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a
while lon...
It took about 5 months longer than I planned on, but the first set of 6
2'x2' terrain boards for my Faux Fulda project are finally done. In hind
sight ...
What A Tanker! - Dashboard & Dice Set
I recently purchaed Qty 4 of these Dashboard and Dice Set from Sabotage 3D
for 'What A Tanker!'. These are really excellent and especially useful if
The Battle of Prokhorovka
We’re re fighting the battle of Prokhorovka at the moment using Memoir ‘44.
This was the giant armour clash between the 11th SS Panzer Korps under
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
Seven Years War at Partizan
Sorry for the lack of posts this last few weeks! I have been very busy
getting the, Seven Years War, demonstration game ready for the 2nd Partizan
show ...
Deadzone 3.0 Terrain
I prepped and painted some hi-tech/lowlife Deadzone 3rd edition terrain. To
keep things simple, I built the set to pretty closely match the layout on
the b...
*Market Garden After Action Report*
Pic showing 9 of the 11 players & GMs who started the game, clockwise from
Left to Right: Chris (82nd Airborne), Alex...
SP207 Resiste Et Mords AAR
One of three scenarios I am playing from S'Punckt 18, a pack I have owned
for years but not got round to playing!! SP207 Resiste Et Mords.
This scenario ...
Crocodiles in the Congo!
I had hoped to post a full and detailed account of Dr. Jones' adventure in
the Congo, but with the end of the long summer holiday and the start of the
"Lust for Glory" at Colours
Here are a few shots of the first test game of the "horse and musket" rules
I've been working on, tentatively named "Lust for Glory."
This was the fir...
Dronningens Livregiment
Another unit for my growing Danish army... Warfare Miniatures, of course!
The mounted officer is from one of the Cuirassier Officer packs (tricorns &
Blog problem
* So, I'm cleaning up the sidebars of the Chronicles. Removing defunct
links, creating new ones...somebody has to do it.*
Here's the problem: there are a...
FWS Ships of the Line: Explorer and Science Ships
Often one of the set pieces for high space adventure and tragedy is those
spacecraft that go where no one has gone before and may never go again if
the ou...
Again with the delays...
Welp, still here although hard to tell that recently!Seems to be one
problem after another and sometimes compounded - work getting worse with
personnel sh...
More ACW Figures
These new stands of figures are ready for maneuvers. Figures are 28mm
Steve Barber models. Not sure how I like them; the figs have separate
torsos, he...
Cave trolls
Deep in the darkest, dankest caverns and caves, they live. Their eyes are
almost useless after decades of darkness, their skin has almost calcified
in the ...
Tabletop Terraformation
Only God, the poet writes, can make a tree. But you can make or buy all
manner of miniature facsimiles that will enhance your wargame table and
make your...
Updated Bloodybacks! rules for the AWI
I have revised and updated these rules and changed these on the "pages"
section of the blog.
So, we are now up to version 9.
There are some key additi...
MCP: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) (2)
As I mentioned in my last post about 'Ancient One', I have been undecided
on which Affiliation to play next, but have been leaning towards trying out
Derek’s Wee Decals
I have been designing and laser printing waterslide decals for my own use
for a number of years and now that I’ve retired from full-time employment
I’ve de...
Littoral Commander - First Impressions
Littoral Commander is a modern to *futuristic* (more on this later) era
wargame, focused on a potential conflict between US Marine (USMC) and
Chinese Peo...
Old Guard & a Note of Caution
Hi Everyone!
Here are some pictures of recently completed French Old Guard from North
Star Military Figures Retreat From Moscow range.
Plus, just a hea...
Back Down the Rabbit Hole?
Not quite... ...Mini-Me-Minor's friend likes the toy soldiers, the two of
them use them to play wargames and RPGs. He does, however, keep asking me
if ...
All change!.
Due to vast amounts of unwanted attention I am taking this blog down
permanently. But fear not, I have copied most of the posts onto a new blog My
"Old ...
Cold Barrage was Fantastic
My son and I had a great time at the one day event.
I played "Save the Montcalm" a re-skinning of another game "Save the
Save the Montca...
A Bevy of Beyond the Supernatural Sheets
I don't know if anyone out there is still playing *Beyond the Supernatural*
("BtS"), Palladium's fun* little game of proto-super heroes hunting the
More boring Martian buildings Jan2024
WIPs and one finished Canal Priest Apothecary for general use on random
A couple of shops in the high class Legation district. Once fin...
Never saw that one coming (2)
Well I should have posted on here last week about the Solo Jacobite
campaign I’m running but I’ve been sent a real curved ball.
So last Sunday morning w...
A Reflection on 2023
Welcome back to Chris' Miniature Woes! It's been quite a journey, and I
appreciate your patience as I navigate through the challenges that 2023
brought i...
NECRONS - A 40k Journey begin
Necrons - A 40k Journey
Bon Décembre arrive et j'ai réservé ce mois aux Morts vivants. Je compte
donc rattraper mon retard en terme de Bac...
100 Hours War Scenario
Having picked up a Helion title on this conflict, I have come up with my
own Check Your 6! scenario, entitled "Soto Gets Three." It has not been
Very Sad News
I'm very sorry to be making this post but I've just learned that Dale past
away from a heart attack on November 5th.
Most of my relationship with Dale wa...
Remote Game of Age of Penda
Revisiting My *Age of Penda* Review
I used to review rules with giving a playtest, simply analyzing the rules
on paper. That was a big mistake when I rate...
New Fantasy sets from Alliance
I know, I havent been active for..???..a long time but I keep looking at
what´s going on in the world of bods..and today I found
these.....Apparently the...
Flames of War Projects for August
August was a great month for me and the hobby. I painted lots of stuff
and managed to get in a few games as well. August saw a return to Flames
of War...
Another quick post. Good chum Colin gifted these lovely resin pieces to me
(thanks mate!). These were beautifully cast and very straightforward to
paint us...
15mm Terminator: Junkyard Dogs
I’ve started work on sourcing and painting up some scenic elements and
terrain for the 15mm Terminator project, and am kicking things off with
some wr...
Auction Of The Late Peter Cushing’s Toys
I came across this notice:
At the bottom right it mentions “toys”.
Mr. Cushing was an avid toy sol...
Painting 3mm
Painting 3mm miniatures
Painting 3mm miniatures is not exceptionally difficult but it requires
Here is what I do:
I first prime everything ...
AWI: current state of affairs
As I've just recently stepped over the 50% mark on my AWI project for
Sharp Practice, a couple of roll-call pics are appropriate.
This is Minuteman: Two-Three
Since my wargaming hobby has taken a back(far back) seat to my simming
hobby, I've gone from reading books about the Napoleonic wars etc. To
listening t...
Hurricon 2022 Photo Report: A Bit Late...
It has been several months since my last post, which was photos from
HMGS-South's Recon 2022 convention. I thought I had deleted the photos in
this post,...
Forgotten Figures!
So I finished these a month ago and completely forgot to post them up.
First up is a pair of Ashigaru with yari bases for my lifetime Samurai
project. Thes...
Tallarn troops for the Imperium!! these are 3d scans of the original metal
miniatures I got from a friendly guy on facebook. scaled down to 20mm scale.
Reiksguard Unit Complete!!
For my January submission to the Call of the Crown painting challenge I
have produced a unit of 15 Reiksguard knights to act as the elite heavily
Hilltop Hovel - 15mm
In truth, this is more than a hovel. I picked up this resin kit on sale
years ago, and finally painted it about 2017. I am in a state of having to
November Update
I've been slow to update my blog for the past few months. I was able to do
some hobby stuff in late October, but a recent setback in my cancer
treatment ...
Car Insurance Sioux Falls
*Car Insurance Sioux Falls*. The best price for comprehensive car insurance
in sioux falls for most drivers is from state farm at an average annual
Terrain Workshop Sorted (at least for now)
Well I've managed to clean out the Terrain Workshop. Sadly, the bulk of
the "debris" consisted of various shipping boxes that were retained for
It's been a decade, now...
This is a tough time of year for me. So, with your indulgence, here's this
link to a post I did a decade ago... EDIT: I have no idea why it didn't
take. S...
23rd October, Hampshire
Alton DBA and the 2021 UK DBA League
After nearly 2 years (since Tarrington 2019), with a trip down to Alton,
we were able to wind up the DBA League's...
The Great War Martian War
The Great Martian War is a documentary about the Martian Invasion of the
world, and the ensuing war to stop them, during the period of 1913 to
1917. I...
I am leaving but no one fucking cares
This blog is done.
No one interacts and i'm tired of begging the world for connection.
If you have a blog that people connect to, comment on (like I did...
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
A Lovely Stroll
Today’s game is not one that should need much introduction with praise from
reviewers all over the internet and a solid rating on BGG. It’s PARKS. The
Richard Ansell. Very sad News
It is with tremendous sadness that I must report the passing of the hugely
talented sculptor and great friend of not just me but all of the Lard
Island cre...
33 Ford Coupe
I finished up the video on the 33 Ford Coupe. This is a much cleaner
build than the Mustang I posted last week. I was trying a new paint, Turbo
Dork M...
326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes
Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The
Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King
This Blog Will Close in December 2020
This blog will close in early December and it will be taken down
altogether. This is part of my retirement plan.
The original content is still availabl...
British Light Infantry
The light company of the 49th Regiment of Foot was part of the 2nd Light
Battalion formed in North America by General Howe's order of 14th May 1776.
The ot...
Kebugaran Mengubah Wajah Tur PGA
Lalu apakah Glumory akan menghasilkan Ketergantungan & menimbulkan efek
samping glumory beauty drink ? sama sekali Tidak, dikarenakan Glumory
terbuat hanya...
George Cross for NHS
I've noticed over the net that various folks have been suggesting that the
NHS as an organization be awarded a George Cross.
The people certainly qualify f...
Kessel Run Game Project Part II
from prototype to hero model
Of Ships and Space and Sealing Wax... Continuing to build all the parts for
my upcoming Kessel Run Race game,
Last time we...
NT Rules: Ancient Wargames
The first set of rules in the book Wargaming: An Introduction is called
Ancient wargaming, but in fact it covers Armies and sub-periods ranging
from the fi...
Gaslands and Kill Team
Those are the two projects I am spending my time on right now.
Oh, and I am doing fine, just incredibly busy. Dealing with a lot of
things, but its improvi...
Spider Victims!
Victims of my (not so) Giant Spiders!
The bodies were made with green stuff, and head off various plastic figures
(cos I didn't want to have to sculpt fac...
Yesteryear Y-14 Maxwell Roadster
Hi Chaps,
I was rummaging around my bits boxes-I have a lot of those as I am sure
most war gamers do when I came across a rather worn looking model car. My...
Marvel Crisis Protocol
A whole bunch of scenery for Marvel Crisis Protocol..It makes for a nice
change from GW stuff. It's all been painted on a side each time I was free
to do...
Witcher 3 "Geralt" painted up
And the second miniature from the SAGA collectibles from Stronghold
Miniatures is painted up.
Pretty happy with them both, I was thinking how to use them in...
Quick Build of the Kauth ATV
Built this quickly last night just to verify the color scheme. Still some
adjustment needed where the tracks attach but it's minimal. Still very
Titan Terrain Factorum Painted
I’ve finally finished another Titan Terrain NZ building. This is their
excellent free-standing ‘Factorum’ kit. I haven’t reviewed this particular
Airplane stands for my Aeronefs
I've been working on different ideas for my aeronef stands - and finally
got a solution I'm happy with.
For the Aeronef and Imperial Skies rules, hexago...
Ancient Romans - housekeeping
I've done some housekeeping on the blog, taking advantage of some
photographs sent to me by Bob the Painter, to review the posts under Codes
AR and ARC, an...
British Vickers Machine Gun team.
Painted a British Vickers Machine Gun team. The miniatures are from
Battlefront and 15mm. To bad the mini on the right had a dis-formed face.
Sadly enough ...
Epic 2.0
Ahiahi marie (Good afternoon in Māori),
Oh my, but it's been a long time since I posted anything here. Too much
work, not enough games, you know how it is...
Fighting for Hearth and Home
When word came from the Watchers that the host of Iron Men in the pass had
taken the North East road, the Elder of Smawlton was quick to send word to
Duke ...
The Crew of the Betty - 28mm Sci-Fi
Models by Hasslefree, Heresy, and Moonraker. Vehicle Bay by Sarissa.
Work on assembling the bitz for a *Five Parsecs from Home* game continues;
A new direction on an old road
Bern front ranks
In the early 1980s, I, like many others were enormously inspired by the
pictures in the early editions of Miniature Wargames of Pete...
Warplan 5/5 Campaign System
I'm afraid I couldn't find a way to reproduce the snazzy double headed
arrow in 5/5 in the text so will have to do with this instead.
Warplan 5/5 came o...
2019 Final Score and 2020 Targets
A review of my plan for 2020 and a update on the 2019 plan
Painting wise a very tough year with the study going upstairs, coming down,
and now being used a...
Vampifans Views 126 - Enforced Absence
On Friday December 20th, I was admitted to the Freeman Hospital in
Newcastle, as an emergency patient, for an operation which resulted in me
having my big ...
Warhammer Quest Silver Tower - Trial of Azyr
Byron Manfred and his wight king companion each carry two pieces of the
Gaunt Summoner's shattered amulet. Together, they are half-way toward
completing th...
X-Wing Report - Epic Battle
Here is a battle report/review of my first game of epic. Generally speaking
I think that epic is now my preferred format for X-Wing. It feels much more
Focus on 2020
*G*reetings my fellow wargame bloggers. Instead of doing the annual recap
of 2019 I'm just going to skip that and focus on what I plan to achieve in
this n...
New year - new start -
One year is gone and I have to start new. Time and inspiration to do all
the things, who are going wrong in the past. There are some pictures about
my roo...
Rose Napoleonic project 2019
Back in September 2018 I posted on Vintage Wargaming about the acquisition
of some Rose figures from Peter Goldsbrough's collection of 20mm
2019 a Review!
Hoi There,
You guessed it, it's that time of the year again: time for a Year Review!
Overall 2019 seems to have not been everyone's favourite year with
Le Bucentaure!
I give you one of my son’s GHQ ships. His research and details are second
to none. When he’s home from college he takes over my painting bench! I
don’t rea...
Still here (kind of)...
G'day All,
A number of people have reached out to check on me knowing we have awful
bushfires here at the moment. The scale defies explanation and what the...
Dricheans for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago?
*Some Yan Koryani*
*Painted by Akarsh*
I was disappointed when North Star cancelled (or put on hold?) the plastic
box of Dricheans, the Bronze Age c...
Merry Christmas from the Duke of Tradgardland
Father Christmas has enlisted some help in delivering the presents this
year in the Duchy. I do hope these fellows can be relied upon..
Merry Christmas to y...
TANKS The Modern Age Battle At The Crashsite
After the last battles were lost by the NATO, their morale got low and some
US troops deserted and tried to reach France, but the French army will not
The Navy's very own game!
Aeronautica Imperialis is a new Games Workshop game set in the Warhammer
40,000 universe, with models in a scale all of its own. This new game is
all about...
WW2: Early(ish) Soviets
So here is the last of the WW2 armies that I currently own. I've had most
of these soviets for about a decade now. most have been painted for that
time. ...
Avaux or Bust
OK, Avaux is a long time and distance away from Wurzburg. I guess, like
many other wargame projects, that dream faded. But another bright and
shiny one...
Cara Membuat Gitar Suara Murah Bagus
Puding merupakan salah satu makanan bergizi dan mudah dibuatnya. Anda
dapat melihat resep puding di haan untuk mencoba membuat puding yang enak
di rumah d...
Veterans’ Day Game (Its Been Awhile)
Yes, it is has been awhile since I posted. I think life just got in the
way. I have been playing some solo games, mostly American Revolution and
American C...
Tribute to Stuart Asquith
Whilst it is not news that we have recently lost one of the hobby's
best-known figures this past week, I thought it would be appropriate to add
my own trib...
Solo DBA Rules
Solo DBA for DBA Version 2.2 With kind permission of Richard Lee, I am
reproducing here the full version of the solo variant rules for DBA v2.2.
These rule...
DreadTober 2019 Week 4 - To Done!
Got all the little final detailing done on the Contemptor Achillus over the
weekend, just in time to hit the finish line for DreadTober! Without
further ad...
Old School Transport
This one has been around a while, no major mods by me, bar adding the
reigns. Had a disaster with the picture session, but you'll get the idea!
Neil, all...
Health Update
Hi folks, Just a quick post here rather than spam everyone's inbox again!A
week or so back, for the best part of a month I was suffering from near
Sisters are doing it for themselves
I'm starting to feel like the more productive I get with hobby projects,
the worse I get at updating this blog. I've actually been pretty busy with
15mm Savage Northmen Cavalry........
*.....from the north and Copplestone Castings!*
*Lots painted but blogging is becoming a little harder to achieve lately
but anyway let's be getting on......
Battle of Denbigh Green
Royalist Horse on the Green
David and Rob ran a game using the ECW minis
Read about the details on MurdockS MarauderS or Codsticker's Historicals.
The P...
FallCon 2019
This past weekend, I went on my annual visit to Calgary for the FallCon
gaming convention. This was the third year that they've had the convention
at SAIT,...
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Returning from the Warp
*It is a darker time. *
*The galaxy is riven, beset on all sides by implacable foes who seem
without number; without end. *
*Our allies and comrades-in-a...
Camel Corps continued...
Back to my hobby...apologies for not posting and all
that breaking my wrist in 8 places...nice!
So to kick off a new era....
Dreadnought: Great War at Sea
This is my prototype box, with the Battle of Coronel tucked away inside!
Hi all, big news today!
As you've no doubt been aware, I've been furiously making...
Underworlds Eyes of the Nine
Another warband painted up for Warhammer Underworlds. These guys were a
combination of contrast paints and standard methods to get a decent outcome
in a r...
Model making for a living
Are all wargamers modelers? In my experience, generally so. That being
the case, if you want to turn your hobby into your profession you might
wish to st...
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
Hullo All,
Well, I'm back at work (which sucks) but I'm also partway through a pretty
productive summer!
I thought I'd mark this by updating where I am wi...
Irregular 6mm Chinese
A question came up on the ColonialWars Yahoo Group about 6mm Chinese troops
for the period. As luck would have it, I happened to have one of the
So never mind that I haven’t posted anything substantial in years-let’s
just pick up and run with it. I’ve been looking for an excuse to paint up
some 28mm...
Supers Unlimited Kickstarter Is Underway
The *Supers Unlimited* Kickstarter is live here: *link*
All characters will come with *Pulp City* and *Super Mission Force*
Still around, still not gaming much at all
Well, I am still alive. There are personal issues in my life, mainly
work. I have a relative with a serious health issue, I am working a second
shift, I ...
Crusades revisited
Hi Gents,
A miserable day here in Scotland which led me to the games room and a few
pics of the Crusade collection (my personnel favourite) this will be
Fistful of Lead- Victorian sci fi battle.
Dateline 1889. British Colonial Mining operations on Venus.
An account of the action at Riverbend summarized from excerpts taken from
Lieutenant Morris's...
3mm Neo-Soviet Army
I have returned to micro-scale syfy warfare with the 3mm Science Fiction
line from PicoArmor. I want a Neo-Soviet force for a near future Earth
campaign. M...
42 Murray regiment of Foot
Since I am concentrating on battlefields around our Maison for battlefield
tours and wargaming them I am selling off my English units for the French
2019 update
(Naseby Battlefield – a poignant reminder on a field of conflict) This is
by way of catching up. It has been a busy year both on and off the
Legendary Dragon from Mythic Games
“Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on
one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale
belly cru...
German Grenadiers vs Brit Tanks in Encounter
A target rich environment!
Game 3 of the Lords or War MW 109 pt tournament was against Craig and his
Brits. As always the painting level for Craig's army ...
A Tale of Two Battles - Part the First
The Italian infantry brigade.
The only unit to come out of this with their heads held high.
This is the first of two battle reports featuring my French ...
Hafr Stonebridge Rules so Far
I finished these rules for my Trollbloods custom project about a week ago
and am still tinkering with the concept. The important parts for me would
be f...
Saying hello: Jean-Pascal Tran
Hi, and thanks for following. This blog isn't very active at the moment,
because my figure gaming life is pretty much moribund. When I moved to this
part o...
What the hell's a Piraqua anyway?
Ever since the episode of *Black Sails *where the Character Jack Rackham
mentioned the word Piragua, I've been searching for a way to make one of
these fo...
Bauge replay at Partizan - grave undertakings
We're going to replay the demo game of Bauge 1421 at the Partizan show in
Newark on 19 May.
Going to make some slight adjustments to the layout. This is t...
Paint Table Sunday and a Martian
It's Paint Table Easter Sunday and, thankfully, the family have gone down
to Hampshire for the usual family Easter Egg Hunt, leaving me in peace. I
1815 The Hundred Days
The 1815 Hundred Days supplement is now available.
It contains six scenarios following Napoleon's famous 1815 Waterloo
Gilly, Quatre Bras, St A...
Deal Wargames Society - Rapid Fire Game Last Night
Well for only the third time ever I have attended a Wargames club meeting !
This was my second visit to the ever accommodating Deal Society who are a
Mortal Gods - First Playthrough
So my mate, Alan, has been waiting with fevered anticipation for this to
arrive and so when the postie delivered Mortal Gods (originally by a
company ca...
New 28mm Vietnam Marines the Battle of Huế 1968
…The L.T. barks his orders as the LAW team rush to clear open ground, to
support the Marine squad who are taking cover behind a broken wall, having
Some random ACW photos from Cold Wars 2019
I took two of my grandsons to Cold Wars 2019 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a
couple of weeks ago. My 10-year-old grandson Aidan Mingus took a few shots
of so...
De Garde van Willem III ~ William III's Guard
De redactie kreeg de ingeving eens te kijken in het Marineblad van 1917,
waar een referentie stond naar onder andere Colonel Decker, maar ook naar
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
Some New 40K Terrain
Today I finished off some more terrain for Kill Team. First up, this
building from the Sector Frontiers set.
Very serviceable piece, and a fun model to ...
Dick Dale
I'm sad today because one of my personal heroes has passed away today. Dick
Dale was 81, and to me that's too young for a man who was such a giant
Warlords of Erehwon: the Aftermath
Guest Post: My friend Albert wrote a great little short story recounting
the aftermath of our first game of Warlords of Erehwon, which I posted
about a cou...
I have finished painting up my Rashaar starter crew/warband. I have had
great fun painting these up and yes they are all stood in puddles it helps
them mov...
March Update - Good year so far...
We are already into March of 2019...another year just flying by it seems.
I'm just doing an update on what I've been able to get done so far this
year, an...
Arabs and a Norman
Some experimentation has been taking place on my Hobby table. These Arabs
below have bodies from three different plastic sets. Gripping Beast Arabs,
Back Again!......With Updates
So.....I see it's been a while since my last post.
Lots of things happening. Real life and hobby wise - both!
Oh yeah, and the Broncos managed to suck...
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
The Grand Hunt at the Warhammer Citadel
The Eidolon of Mathlann
King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
Pah’rah, the Living River, pours across Ghur like a snake, eter...
Legends of the High Seas Resources
Legends of the High Seas cover Just a short update: After a recent request
I have just uploaded some old resources for *Legends of the High Seas* to
the ...
British SYW Artillery
This is now the start of my earlier expressed intention to arrage a number
of scale drawings illustrating British ordnance fielded during the War of
The Royal Navy Marines, Part 2
To continue, Redcoats on the Royal Navy Marines always look so intimidating
on the table...
Crew (can be used as Privateers or even Pirates)
Marines and ...
Samanid spearmen
The spearmen are finished and the Samanid army is ready to take the field.
The whole army is now done, and I’ve updated the Army Page for it.
[Review] Age of Hannibal
Those who read my last post will know all about littlewarstv and their
youtube channel, and will have seen me mention a new game they’ve just
released (wel...
The Devil In Your Head – Part 3
Well I wasn’t planning on writing anymore on my mental health issues but
sometimes things conspire against you and the only way to battle it is to
be open,...
Grognards 1
La Garde; a joint project with David Imrie and Lionel Bechara. These chaps
will eventually be going to the big Waterloo anniversary do in Glagsow in
the ...
Saga Kilku Warlordów - Ironjawz, wpis drugi
Dziś dużo krócej niż kiedyś czeka się teraz na potrzebne i pożądane
figurki. Pamiętam czasy, gdy z wiszących na ścianach różnych warszawskich
sklepów bli...
Not much is happening here on the hobby table as far as naval projects go,
but hopefully that will end soon enough. I have purchased a few books to
help st...
Kicking it with the Homies
The feared El Taco Cartel homies are kicking it Southside, plotting and
scheming on ways to get product across or under the border. Figures are
28mm S...
The Song of the Dodo
Yes, nice to see you too. Where have I been? Nowhere really, but I've been
reading and ruminating and the like. Been cautious about what to get
involved w...
Age of Sigmar Tale of Gamers - Month 5
My choices for Month 5 and 6 are going to be more Skeleton Warriors to
build up my other two units of skeletons to 20-strong each. This will also
allow me ...
Blucher Revisited
Hi Team
It's been a few months since I played a game of BLUCHER so Rowan and I
decided to have another game.
We settled on 250 points each and Rowan comman...
Meet Emrim
Meet Emrim. For a dwarf (and a thief*) he's a good sort, and a fine shot to
have alongside you in a fight. Not *behind* you, mind, he's not a perfect
shot ...
Scenery Forge Gothic plaster and resin build
I decided to try using the Scenery Forge Gotic mold again, but this time
using regular Plaster of Paris for the casts, then infusing it with resin.
It is...
15mm Gladiators
This post is literally Years in the making. I started this project in 2010
and have finally got round to completing it to some degree this weekend.
Like ma...
3rd edition Warhammer Norse army update
Way back in pre-history (1986), a 13 year old version of me started a
Warhammer Norse army. I bought it one blister at a time, using the money I
earned fr...
Team Yankee
Ok Mark Piper and I played our first game of Team Yankee in nearly 3 years
and had a ball. We play in 20mm but don’t make any changes to ranges but
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Lundella's Lane, 1814
*Marching to the sound of indecision* *Unusually*, my friend Giovanni and I
both had the day off last Friday. That gave us a rare opportunity to get
in ...
GASLIGHT at Heroicon
ran the same scenario as I did at Winter War. The Union had to set fire
to most of...
Like Hungry Wolves - Jacobite Rebellion of 1745
Last weekend I had the opportunity to playtest my Historicon game with the
club. The period is the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. Miniatures are Old
Glory ...
Visit to Waterloo
I was incredibly lucky to have had the chance to travel to 1 of our
Napoleonic bucket list battlefields this month. With 3 other Napoleonic
daft chaps we ...
It has taken me six months to get these Companions done. Victrix from their
"Macedonian, Greek and Successor Heavy Cavalry" set. I hate painting yellow!
Paint table update
Another Saturday and another update.
These miniatures are for the Osprey rules Scrappers. They are from EM4
miniatures and they paint up well. Just used so...
The problems with Geek culture - how big are they?
So, blogging, it would seem, is something I find hard to keep up with!!! I
think that's an understatement. I find it far easier to post to forums and
to cr...
Dark Sun Dwarf
What seems like many moons ago, I sculpted a Dwarf that represented what I
felt one from the D&D Dark Sun world would look like. It took awhile, but I
Sharp practice 2
Two pictures from a small game of sharp practice. The british were
attacking an american farm. Using the stats from the War of 1812 supplement.
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
Saga of Painting WTJ Ships - Part 2
Well it has been a while since I published Part 1 of this tale. I finally
completed the three British battleships and mounted them on the "sea" bases
[image: Armies-and-uniforms-of-the-first-empire-volume-one]
Was there ever a book more suited to a place in the war gamers bathroom
than this one? Lilia...
Cult of Slaanesh - Dark Elf Sorceress
I did this conversion quite some time ago and have looked forward to
painting it ever since - but never gotten around to it until now. I know
dark elves ar...
Weekly updates - #13-16 (Dog Bowl VI)
Nothing to see here. Haven't spent any time playing games or
painting/assembling/converting minis. Take a look at this sad scene from my
dusty work sp...
CRISIS POINT 2018 - Richard P's AAR's
Links to the four parts of my Crisis Point 2018 AAR
The Danish invasion of 1898...
Scouts have found the invaders...
The Major General rallies the troops in defence.
A local photographer catches the Danish Lifeguard.
Corporal Jones see th...
Old Warhammer Plastic
Hello there! I dug out my old plastic Orcs from the 80's. Not many left of
these classics... But enough to make a regiment for Kings of War. Few
goblins al...
Setting the Nepean ablaze: 1816
The year is 1816, the place is Smith's farm in the Nepean valley, in what
is now New South Wales, Australia. We are using the rules *Smooth and
Rifled* (w...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Long time, no blog...but here's an update...
I've been playing a lot of D&D and card and counter games lately, so not
much miniature stuff to post. However...
The Elves !!!!
Hello Everyone ! Long time since coming back in Here ! You may have seen on
Facebook or Twitter that I worked with Lumberjacks Studio on a very special
More stuff
Has these done for a while now. Mamelukes for Sharp Practice 2, Spain. 28mm
Essex on Front Rank horses. I had to add some to the original unit of 6 as
A Scottish brawl: ECW action in the Battleroom
Well its still holiday time mostly in Australia and so, since its quiet, I
can write a few extra Blog posts.
This weekend I had my first game for the year...
Battletech: The Novels, Oh So Many Novels!
So, over the past few months, I have been re-reading (or in the case for a
handful, reading for the first time) the series of Battletech novels. I...
Probsthain for Lasalle. The Scenario
*O*ne of my best wishes for this year 2018 is to return to wargaming after
almost two years of absence, in which work and family obligations have left
me w...
Victrix War Elephant part 1
I decided that I needed a Christmas project to get me back into painting
again and the Victrix war elephant, which came out last month, seemed to be
udate2017/I've noticed this blog is now rendered useless because of new
photobucket image sharing rules. I hope to recover images sometime in the
Lessons from 2017
“I never heard of a puppeteer refusing to face a problem. He may merely be
deciding how fast to run, but he’ll never pretend the problem isn’t there.”
– La...
It has been a bit
Well, in the interim, I have been prepping for a career change, and this
blog has been lying fallow, as most of my game energy has been devoted to
French Line Infantry
Here are two battalions of 1812 to 1815 French Line Infantry. The figures
are all Perry Miniatures, a mix of plastic and metal and most of them...
15mm Fantasy Chariot racing
A few years back I played a fantasy variant with miniatures of the old
Avalon Hill board game Circus Maximus. The guys putting on the game were
using plain...
Gonzo Sci-Fantasy - What is it?
Hello all,
It's been a bit since I blogged on gaming in general. Life has taken over
and I am pretty sure that blogs have been relegated to a bit of a...
New Releases - November 2017
*Time for some news!* Is a busy time for us here at Scotia HQ. After a long
break, we decide to attend some selected wargames shows. So far we visited
Third, a Marklin Class Destroyer like USS XENOPHON, Captain Garth of
Izar's first command during the Four Years War. Still a work in progress,
but coming ...
Completed Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017
Despite this being one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long while, I
have managed to finish the Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017. Adding another
October already?
The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad
This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change.
Just a few lines to let you know I'm well. After three years of silence, I
could be back to wargaming and game design in a short time. People change,
life ...
12th legion Angry Boiz
While working on the noble lads of the azure 13th, I was also expanding the
footprint of their temperamental cousins in the 12th. At this point this is
my ...
Taking stock
Now that TFM has a new manager, Nick, and the Kickstarter is finally
starting to move forward once more, it’s time to start sorting out the
store. Not all ...
State of My Forces
Well it has been too long but family and health got in the way, so what
have I been up to? Well not a lot Been prioritizing my painting table and
have clea...
Things and Sculpting: Footguards and Stuff
Things? Things are slow, so slow I haven't been bothered to post about them
till now.
Bit sick of painting.... it was actually boring, tedious even! Didn'...
"Massive Darkness" dungeon (part 2)
Just finished printing the various components for the first scenario of the
Massive Dungeon rulebook, I also wired a bunch of LEDs that I took for some
Millennium Con XX Prep, Part 2: Quadcycle Stats
I think I have decided upon the minions of Otto Maton to be the fourth
faction in my convention game, just because I like these guys so much. I
will pr...
Hussite War Wagons
War wagons are one of those things I've often wanted but had shied away
from for many years. I think I bought the first of these at a show where
there w...
Two more rifle-dreads
I finally managed to take pictures of the other two dreadnoughts. They are
also venerable and armed with twin autocannons. This makes three in total
Wild Beast Shipping Crates
So … I bought these Wild Beast Shipping Crates from 4Ground and I’m very
impressed. They come flat packed in laser cut card form and could be
pushed free...
Capture the women.
Recently we played a game set in the Dark ages.
Rival claimants to the local throne met in battle with their followers
beside them. The battle, to a large ...
Konwent gier bitewnych GLADIUS (16-18.06.2017)
Serdecznie zapraszamy na zbliżający się konwent. Poniżej plan wydarzenia:
16.06.2017 17.00 - 20.00
- Cold War Commander
- Infinity
Orc Riding Beast
It has been a few years...
Since the first time I saw the riding beasts from Fraser Gray and Michael
Immig in White Dwarf all these years ago I wanted to p...
The Battle of Stackville
The quiet town of Stackville was rather happy to stay quiet. But then the
civil war came to town.
Confederate troops stationed nearby the town found themse...
Eleventh of Fifteen: MonkeyCon Blitz Visit
On my way home from a holiday abroad I was able to do a quick whirlwind
stop at MonkeyCon, the first games show hosted by our friends The Wargaming
Nnnnnnineteen, nineteen
Hobby News ... salute a distant memory, LARP moot1 done, the GEF
approaching, hopefully a game of CnC naps this week to break the
draughtCommission Paintin...
Max on YouTube
In case you missed the live session and wanted to watch me paint a Drowned
Earth miniature, you can catch the two hour recording over on the Drowned
Earth ...
3mm Madness – DAK Panzers
I was looking back at some of the research I had done for the Historicon
Opearation Battleaxe 3mm game and realized that I had read the dates wrong
for the...
Otherworld Idol 2
Deuxième vidéo, avec le travail sur les éclairages : c'est pas vraiment un
truc que j'ai l'habitude de faire, en tous cas en dehors du zénital et des
Finding My Brush - Turkish Pirate
After a long lay off from painting, about 6 months, I've again picked
up the brush. The painting desk has been dusted, paints organized, brushes
Let's try again
After quite some time, I have found myself a copy of this: This is the
fourth (or maybe fifth) book set in the Monster Blood Tattoo setting. Not
easily av...
Mangu versus Mirish - Magic Unleashed
Mangu has drawn together the most Magic Users I've ever seen assembled on
one side. A Level 3, a Level 2, and 3 Level 1s giving the Mangu virtual
Photos from Adepticon 2017/Starship Troopers
Will and I ran two games of Starship Troopers at Adepticon this March. The
Mobile Infantry had to venture out of their fortifications to recover a
downed s...
Manfaat Daun Salam Dan Buahnya Untuk Kesehatan
Daun salam acapkali dipakai selaku bumbu makanan karna ada bebauan yg
eksklusif. daun salam lazim ditemui pada makanan berkuah serupa goreng
alias gulai. m...
belajar bahasa inggeris online
kelas online bahasa inggris
kamus online bahasa inggris
cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris
cara belajar bahasa inggris dengan c...
Roads Reflocked
I bought a tonne of roads and rivers from an eBay seller called Fat Frank.
They are great but I didn't realise they would come already painted and
flocked ...
Lords&Servants new edition
Yes, it has been a long time since last update. We were busy to release
other games like Baroque and Basic Impetus 2. Now, back to the
Smooth&Rifled family...
Fun in the AWI, a 50th Birthday Bash!
Down't club a few weeks ago having a most excellent AWI game (re-fighting
Germanstown) with all of Doug's magnificent AWI collection for his 50th. We
did t...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Hi all, yes, as you might have gathered from the title of the blog post,
this is something of a farewell. Not a complete one, don't worry, I'm just
moving ...
Rorke's Drift at the Shed
* Rorke's Drift. It's quiet. Too quiet*
After the epic recreation of Isandlwana at the Shed on Sunday morning, the
table was re-dressed for the battl...
WIP: German Calvary
While things have been quiet on the posting front, things have actually
been limping along in the background.
Most of my efforts have been going on label...
German Noble
This chap has been sitting on my desk since God knows when, which is a real
shame as he is my favourite medieval figure of all time.
Not sure who he ...
'The Pikeman's Lament' arrives
In today’s post I received a familiar shaped cardboard package. It was, as
I hoped, the latest release from Osprey Publishing, ‘The Pikeman's Lament’.
Rockport Invitational 2016 look back
Put together a video teaser from photos of my last hosted tournament. Did
this to help promote the new one I'll be hosting this April. Enjoy!
Blood Bowl: Model Size Comparisons Humans
So the new edition of Blood Bowl dropped last month and I got a copy for my
collection for Christmas. One of the first things people commented on
during t...
Martian Handling Machine - progress
Right, with tentacles made from Green Stuff and legs from coathanger wire,
the thing was given a dapple of Mr Surfacer to give it surface texture,
then pri...
Basic Impetus 2
Basic Impetus 2 is now available, both printed and digital.
The printed version will be available through our shop after Christmas
holidays but in the mea...
Workbench 16.10.M3
Now that the blog's machine spirits have been placated, images have
returned. Thank you to everyone that let me know they weren't working.
The strangeness ...
Something SUPER different.
You nay have realised form the lack of posts that my painting and posting
mojo really isn't where it once was. I am still enjoying gaming and
honestly I do...
Batman vs Superman Trinity Rules for DC Universe
Hey folks,
With this new BvS set being the launch of the DC side of Knight Model's
Superhero Universe, I thought I would point out a couple of things on...
UPDATED: Competitive Tau Tournament List (1850)
It has been quite some time since I played Warhammer 40k. I've been very
busy with RL. But next weekend my group is having another tournament. I
took out ...
Weird War One: Electric Weaponry
During the First World War, technology advanced at a great pace with
machines and devices rapidly becoming obsolete as they were superseded by
events or...
20 bahaya radiasi HP kamu harus tau
Bahaya radiasi Hp bagi kesehatan tubuh merupakan dampak buruk dari
penggunaan ponsel yang tidak benar dan tidak mengenal batas waktu.
Hp memiliki gelomban...
5 months on - and back to some gaming (part 1)
A quick summary Wow - 5 months with our new daughter Alice has just flown
Between her and work, its been hard to get any serious gaming in :-).
Still ...
Converging on Convergence
Ever since the launch of Warmachine MK3 some of my friends here have been
muttering about running a Journeyman League. Well, June turned to July,
then Augu...
Dreadtober - Build week
I joined the Dreadtober challenge hosted by
It seemed like a perfect challenge for me since I have four Dreads that has
been i...
Character Figures and Settlers for the FIW
Conquest Miniatures put out a nice little blister of the main characters
from the Last of the Mohicans, also released by Warlord Games. I had fun
Arabian Knights
*There's* a Kings of War tournament at the store in November. Its about
time I build up my paltry 750pts of kow into a respectable 2000.
Here are the k ri...
Back again! 1st Update: More painted Sets
First post after the long break! :-)
Some more updates are due over the course of the next couple of days,
including six new sets for the Russo-Japanese Wa...
Somewhere In Lowest Germany
*A Small Matter Of Supply*
Jim Wannop lay on his couch beside his swimming pool. He frowned: there was
surely something he had meant to do. For a while he ...
Congo cancelled!
*"I say, you chaps, any sign of breakfast yet?"*
Well, for me anyway. I was due to go to Eric the Shed's for my first game
of *Congo*, as organised by ...
Wunderlist For Windows 3.18.0
Wunderlist - is one of the most well known cross-platform task manager and
to-do list application. It is also available for Mac and instantly sync
your ...
Battlefield 1 Beta PS4
Painting is resuming in the background while I am indulging in the
frenetic, open beta demo of EA's upcoming world War 1 shooter, Battlefield
1, currently...
August 2016 Pub Con
Recently we've had a lot of great content on our Facebook page. Please
check it out of you are interested (facebook)
78. The Power of a 5-Year-Old's Imagination
I backed Dwarven Forge's first Kickstarter, their Game Tiles Dungeons. I
got them unpainted, then painted them myself. They arrived in October 2013.
I a...
15mm Great Swamp Lizard
We are very pleased to release our latest 15mm fantasy model -- the Great
Swamp Lizard. This towering beast can eat his way straight through entire
enemy ...
28mm Late Saxons and VIkings for Sale
Here are some painted 28mm Vikings and Saxons. There are 26 Saxon infantry
and 1 mounted. there are 29 Viking infantry and 1 mounted.
I would like $60 fo...
Samurai project rebooted!
Samurai Project has been rebooted!
first three figures shown below. Not sure what rules set I will be using,
just enjoying the painting at the moment :)
Blue Bear had some challenges
Hello readers, this is Murdock writing from Jeff's desktop.
Jeff has encountered more than the usual Gout and had complications from
the treatments of the ...
Early War French
having been bitten by the battlegroup rules bug, I decided to go for early
war French.
Using the Pegasus French and German infantry as a basis for my two a...
Reverse Engineering: Line 6 FBV2
The Line 6 FBV2 is a control pedal for use with older Line 6 amplifiers and
effects processors. I bought it to use with our Line 6 Amplifi 75 guitar
Wow it's been so long.
I haven't updated this in ages because, really haven't had any news. I'm
still here tho, and i'm going to try and get those figures i've posted
moulded in ...
Borodino - taking Utilisa
Last weekend we fought our annual game, this time focusing on the Poles and
the village of Utilisa at Borodino.
We think we may have set a world record for...
Dungeon Saga: The Infernal Crypts Painted
The Dungeon Saga continues and we are in the middle of playing the Infernal
Crypts campaign featuring a couple of new heroes and the forces of the
Abyss. ...
WW1 zombies - part 5 gathering items
In preparation for the game I have gone through my lead pile and hobby
supplies and come up with the following:
Almost a complete infantry section of late ...
Reglas básicas de la Serie Fleet (vídeo)
Últimamente me ha dado un hype con la serie "fleet" de victory games, una
serie de juegos de los 80 que representaban batallas navales contemporáneas
a una...
It's been a while since my last report. No apologies, just a nod to the
vagaries of life.
So to spring myself back into action, a short look at a projec...
The Sunken Road at Antietam
Looking east inside the Sunken Road. The tower on the distance marks the
point in which the road turn to the right heading south. It also marks the
The Descent of the Teutonic Order
I want to introduce my second Project for 2016:
I am building up a 1410 Teutonic Order force for Lion Rampant. I always
wanted to paint up some high or la...
Julio 1936
Dimanche dernier, j'ai eu l'occasion de tester à nouveau la règle *Julio
1936* écrite par mon pote Romaar (Romu pour les intimes). Je ne vais pas
rentrer d...
Here there be dragons!
Back again. My absence was not force upon me by lack of painted lead, but
rather because I did not have the time to sit and write anything. Finally,
Law Enforcement
I've managed to paint up a few law enforcement officers for Jim to avoid!
Outland Judge Patrol
I ended up going for the classic Judge Dredd paint sch...
First game of lion rampant
Today i managed to get my first game of lion rampant and it seems to be a
solid set of rules.
I had a couple of bad turns at the beginning with a string of...
Sources For The Interwar Gamer
I have been meaning to add some content here for a long time, apparently
three years of a long time in fact, how time flies. So with this post I
hope to k...
Wargamer wspiera Adasia!
Ostatnio nie piszę bloga. Należą się Wam słowa wyjaśnienia. Mój syn jest
chory i jest leczony eksperymentalnie w Krakowie. To dość kosztowne i
"...There is Only War."
On a personal note, I recently moved from the lovely state of Virginia to
the wonderful state of Ohio. Things are different here. I miss my gaming
Dessau 1813. Chasing Tauentzien
While Bernadotte is heading Leipzig, Napoleon is trying to catch the weak
Tauentzien's corps, left behind to screen Berlin...
Hunting the Bantha
Hunting Banthas
Well, the Bantha Rider has arrived for Imperial Assault and we are now
experiencing just how rough something like this fast-moving lump of ...
Pig Iron Stock update
Hi all, just a quick one to let you know we have received a box of show
stock back from The Bunker yesterday - this has all been added back onto
the site. ...
Yet another long gap between updates!
So... what is new?!
In a single word - 6mm.
And here is the story:
I love FoW in 15mm. I really do! I can accept the ground scale and
compression in t...
Rules: Living on the Frontline
Well, there's life in the old dog yet!
It's been a while since I last posted anything here but the creative juices
are starting to stir, least of all bec...
El Cid - Reconquista pt 8
I have just finished up four bases of Skirmish bow. I have been busy with
school - still - so I have not had too much time for painting. I am at
least on t...
Emhar Set 7206 Saxon Warriors
Hi chaps!
Just a quick update in my blog.
Some figures, from Emhar's excellent set (Saxon Warriors), I recently
The colour variation is not ver...
Martian Patrol Airship
A big Martian 25mm game is planned sometime this year. So I pulled out a
Parroom racing airship and did just a small big of converting. Had to add a
heavy ...
Clearhorizon Omega Squad
Mr. Harold sent me these a while ago, and I finally got around to painting
them. The delay was mainly that the neck length bothered me, so it took a
while ...
2016 - The Year of Mediocrity
Happy New Year, I guess.
Better late than never. I mean, if you wait long enough, it will be a new
year somewhere, right? Now that I think about it...
Red Star, White Lights to be released!
Warm up your wallets, and prepare to game on one of the coldest
battlefield. Red Star, White Lights (hereafter referred to as RSWL)
explores what might ...
Modern Russian painting guide.
I have been having fun painting some of our Empress modern Russians. The
research was based on what I could find on Google and not too surprisingly
many ...
28mm Russians in Central Asia Game
Turcomen attack the Cossacks
On New Year's Day we played a Two Hour Wargames Colonial Adventures Central
Asian game, with Russians, Bokharans, Pathans, Tu...
Warclouds: Craig Parker FTW!
Hey Folks,
So 2016. I wont bore you with a "New Years Post" as I am notoriously bad at
posting anyway...but plan to keep up a bit this year anyway.
End of May, 1876 -- Situation & Medical
May saw both a substantial battle *(see here) *in the Tyger; and a small
skirmish on the Cango as well as a few mishaps here and there.
Alex is in Derf; ...
Re-Kill (2015)
Play Full Re-Kill in High QualityNow you can download full Re-Kill in best
video format with duration 87 Min and has been aired on 2015-10-16 and MPAA
Just adding a couple of recent test paints, mainly so I can link them for
advice on TMP. They are Webb's Regiment at Ramillies - a grenadier and
hatman (...
The Big Winner!
The Gamer's Armory, a game store in North Carolina, recently held a gaming
marathon to benefit the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States. I
live ...
The Last Post
The South London Warlord blog has moved to Wordpress on the main SLW site,
address is over here
or, in cut n' paste format
Dust Tactics: Custom Terrain - Ruin
This custom terrain piece represents a collapsed structure for use in Dust
The in-game rules are exactly the same as for the two small rubble piec...
So I have been looking at Frostgrave for some time now, another fantasy
skirmish game to tempt gamers to part with their monies. I am a lover of
Back from Scale Model Challenge 2015
Back from Scale Model Challenge! I didn't take part in the competition this
year and due to circumstances I only visited briefly in the afternoon, so
it wa...
Adalbert von Strunten den Sammen with friends
There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear. I am
making a little series of scenes concerning the totally fictional German
Medieval fa...
Work and Toy Soldiers
I've been at my current company for 8 years I work on a system management
team I also provide training for our online applications to internal staff
So we're back!
Did a stock take today to see what I've got, and this was what it looked
The stuff in blue is from a second hand haul I grabbed when...
Grace of Monaco (2014) Se Fuld Film
Spille film *Grace of Monaco* i high definition kvalitet. Download film *Grace
of Monaco* i high definition-format. Fuld streaming *Grace of Monaco* i
elegant wedding shoes in 2015
[image: awesome satin wedding shoes by shoekandi]
you are now visiting* awesome satin wedding shoes by shoekandi* , And in
this page we have more than 5 be...
ThreeZero Getter 1 and Getter Zero Black...!!!
[image: ThreeZero Getter Black]
I have to admit, this is one of the few toys that i'm pretty excited about.
threezero making a 16" of Getter 1 and Getter Z...
Catching Up
Wow, I have been slack here. No new posts since February. But I have done a
ton of painting and completed several projects, not least of which is my
Happy Hobbit Day or A Year Has Come And Gone
I knew it had been a long time. The days turned into weeks and the weeks
into months without me fully comprehending the significance of the gap.
Then one...
Grimlocks in 15mm
Here are 12 grimlocks for dnd 5th ed.....15mm Picts from copplestone.
Back from a long break in gaming....looking forward to a little dungeons
and dragons s...
A visit on board the Russian Frigate Shtandart
The other weekend we were down in Cowes for a long weekend to watch the
Cowes Torquay Cowes powerboat race. We were all having dinner on Friday
night in...
New Blog for Age of Sigmar
Hi Everyone,
I've decided to create a separate blog for my latest hobby interest: Age of
Sigmar. While many voices bemoan the *downfall *of Warhammer Fanta...
Hordes and Heroes on Hexes
Alliteration FTW!!
Wow! Doesn't time fly? It's hard to believe it's been nearly a year since I
posted anything here, but there's been a fairly good reason ...
Blog Update - Late August
Figured since I haven't posted anything recently I would go ahead and let
you, the readers, know whats been going on. Since the list building
article I po...
Great 54mm AWI Game On Saturday!
We had a great 54mm AWI game this weekend at the Rat Palace Redux! Had 5
players so I opted to ref and teach the rules to four newbies. This took
about 10 ...
Railroads and Lizardmen
Unfortunately due to my work schedule, Martian Empires has only made an
occasional appearance at Treefort Games this year. So yesterdays game was a
joyous ...
Song of Blades: Hammer and Forge on Kickstarter
Ganesha Games launches Song of Blades: Hammer and Forge Kickstarter. The
kickstarter has begun with enormous success, being already over basic
funding, but...
I am still alive!
and this time I am painting Prussians!
It has been a long time since I posted anything so let me say that I am
glad to be back again!
2014 was a busy...
Gencon Follow-up: My First Time in the Iron Arena!
If you were following a bit of my run up to Gencon posts, you might have
noticed that within the last year I've really gotten back into Warmachine
with m...
GBR Collection on Google Plus+
I have a collection of games related posts on Google+. Most of these are
things I would write about if I could make the time. Stop by and browse a
Historicon 2015 Pictures Part Two
Hi Kids, Here's the second installment of the latest con in Fredericksburg
Here's the long view of the 25mm Joe Hack ancients game. Better rig up ...
Modular Lego Dungeon in the Works
I'm working on a modular Lego dungeon set for my kids and I to game with. I
had several castle sets as a kid, so I have lots of grey pieces to work
with. I...
Ottoman Artillery
Hi Guys
Not managed to do much painting, too many other things to do in the nice
weather, couldn't base anything either, my base supplier got orders mixed
Get a 4th off on the 4th
Get 25% off orders over $50 now until July 5th with coupon code! Use the
code 4thoff in the Coupon Code Box at checkout and get 25% off your order.
Hurry c...
Affordable Wedding Halls
Creating a beneficial property inner surface or maybe exterior layout will
be the imagine every single persons. Naturally, while using numerous
patterns th...
Waterloo (1970) the souvenir programme
Everyone else on the wargaming blogosphere seems to be celebrating the
200th anniversary of Waterloo today with quite a few posts featuring the
poster ...
A quick update.
Just a quick update as I've not posted in a while. Work on the 15mm Feudal
English army for DBA continues (photos to follow) and should should be
A Farewell to Hamster
This will be my last post on Mechanical Hamster and that’s the sort of
occasion that gives me the excuse opportunity to look back over the past
years and r...
20mm WW2 - M20, M10 and M8
There we go again. I had a long break from painting but a trip to Salute
and a vist to Normandy in May did the trick this time. I've sort of
finished the A...
Last call, all aboard.
If you're still a subscriber to 'Drop-Pod' this is pretty much the final
call to hop across to the shinier and much more frequently updated Studio
Space Marine Command Tank Rules
I’m back from vacation! Sorry for the dearth of articles recently. The
Space Marine’s Command Tanks rules have been leaked. Check out the two
images below ...
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
Hope everyone is well. Keep creating.
My daddy "Captain Richard" love creating burning or destroyed buildings.
This is one of my favorites. He had since dismantled this one as everything
was i...
Well, well, well... - A Flintloque Battle Report
It has been a long time since my last update, mostly for health reasons.
Without giving to much detail, you can imagine things are pretty awful when
you ca...
Top (TV) Duels
To go with my posts on top one-on-one fights (in films) here's a quick
selection from television.
*#5* Agents of SHIELD (May vs. Ward)
This was a fascinat...
Taking Care of Business
Taking Care of Business
The infamous Aaron Viva wanders into Outhouse 23 also know as Jackson's
Hole, a enigmatic facility that never seems to be short o...
Battle in a box UPDATE
After another long hiatus I've finally got my act together to post
something! The pictures above are of some factory - industrial building
terrain ba...
Quotes Tumblr Sad
Out of all the major free blogging websites, Tumblr images, quotes, links,
chats, video, and audio posts are all supported. Sadly, though, I can’t
find a w...
Moving On
It's been a long while since I've posted here. Since I've started this blog
four years ago, you guys and gals have given me a tremendous amount of
Salute Loot
So I picked up a few things at Salute this year (it seemed rude not to):
1. The new Perry Light Cavalry for the WotR / 1450-1500 - three boxes (I
Still Shambiling around
I am still shambling around.
Due to some real life situations I was without reliable internet access for
a while there. Hopefully everything will work out ...
Checking In...
Friends I have lost my focus.
Since my last post my Mother became ill and passed away. I guess I am the
proof that regardless of how old you are, losing a p...
C21 Air War Vietnam
Slowly getting things done.
MSD Games Target Terrain, although only 1in, I placed them on a Litko 1.5in
I used MSD Games Target Terrain, although...
Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - End Times (Part 4)
[image: Warhammer - The End Times Khorne Banner]
A short post this one. Really just to prove that I have been continuing to
work on this project and even ...
Waterloo, Braine l'Alleud
Was lucky enough to visit the Waterloo battlefield in Belgium last week, it
has been on my bucket list for a long time. I wasn’t disappointed, 200
years ...
The Watchful I Studio
A good friend and fellow gamer, Joe Krone, has started a new venture in the
gaming arena with the founding of his new company Watchful I Studio. He
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
Pardon My Dust
If you visit here with any regularity, you'll have noticed a lack of
actual, you know, website or anything. Sorry about that.
The website is getting a face...
Empire of the Dead - Burke & Hare
So the last theme round was anti-hero, at first I thought this meant
villain but a quick interweb search revealed that it is in fact "a main
character in ...
Jacdaw 30mm WAS Austrians by Leftbank Workshops
A bit of painting I did quite a few months ago for Leftbank Workshops who
have now acquired the molds for these figures. Nice Old School feel to
these figu...
CONAN , the board game
Some friends who bought into the Conan board game kickstarter printed out
the starter gameboard, cards an other items, made a dice conversion sheet
and we ...
Word to the wise!
"Don't start a new job and a new miniature project at the same time"
-The Doc
But boy are these fun to paint!
I've finally decided to go full Warlord f...
If you want to know a secret What are you waiting for? If you want to ask
me somethingI can tell you so much more If you want to cause me
trouble It's not ...
Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because
of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge.
Some reinforcements for SoBaH
Hey Guys,
I have painted some miniatures as reinforcements for my Song of Blades &
Heroes warbands.
The whole group together. On the left two Norse or...
An old project returns...
The monstrosity from the front. Way back in 2011 I posted my plans for an
improvised tank killer on an old 38(t) chassis. Following a move of house
it w...
Made a start on my D&D project, these are the start of my player
characters, this group is the Magic User/ Thief and Assassin set, Thief on
the left the...
In this small scenario US marines have been warned that the insurgents are
sending a column to attack the small force that has landed. A squad in
the vang...
Protect the King!
"Oh stranger, tell the Lacedaemonians that we lie here, trusting their
For me these words entered legend in my youth. The 300 Spartans fighting
The Men of the North
Wow, it's been a REALLY long time since i've posted anything on the blog. A
lot has happened since the last post back in October. Besides the usual
Lion Rampant test game - Angry Highlanders!
We managed to get a quick test game of Lion Rampant played at the first of
our monthly 'Friday Night Firefight' at Wayland Games. Chris (the only one
Fenris Games Goatkin - Ernie and Vic - Beastmen 5
Hello all,
last two of the Fenris Goatkin - the Goatkin Warrior Ernie and the Goatkin
Scout Vic.
[image: Goatkin, Fenris, beastmen, painted, Scout, Vic, ...
Pirates at the Shed!
*A view down the board*
Eric the Shed kindly invited me over to his splendid shed for my first game
of 2015. This was doubly exciting as not only was it...
Looking Ahead to 2015
Time for my obligatory attempt to state what I'm going to work on this
year. I think it's pretty safe to say I'm probably going to get involved
with som...
It's time for a Christmas parade.
Seeing as I haven't put a full army pic of my Tunnel Fighters up here, now
is as good a time as any. The one remaining vehicle to be finished is the
Ogre Project
I may already have the Ogre leaning on the two handed sword bought, waiting
on ebay to finish the bidding on it. Green = have it, Red = Don't have it
French Dragoon, Retreat from Moscow
A dismounted French dragoon during the retreat from Moscow, Winter 1812-13
This is for sale on eBay-
Julian's Order Part 3. 18mm AB Figs
Prussians & French Please not these Pictures are for the customer ... We
do not at this point straighten Swords ect for risk of Breaking them.
A Christmas Fantasy Campaign
Next month, I'll be heading back to the UK for the 1st time in nearly 2
years. Me and my brother Matt have been talking about arranging some games
of W...
New(ish) man cave.
Hello all,
A few months back the wife wanted my son to have a larger room so I was
kicked out of the guest room into a smaller room. The bribe was it would...
Well... having finally moved in and being some-what settled, my new gaming
room is now nearly there. There are still a few pics to be framed and put
up, bu...
Ship Crew & Ship Quirk Cards
Been a good while since we’ve had an update for Leviathans. Things are
still moving behind the scenes. For example we’ve been making progress with
I'm Baaaack
Bet yall thought I'd disappeared. I have been busy with other areas of my
life since the last post, though I have had a few games here and there. One
of ...
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's
hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup!
complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
Noble Knight games comes through again!!!
I have just concluded several transactions with Noble Knight games, the
first being some ASL stuff mainly and then some miscellaneous hex and
counter games...
Machiavelli summer 1457
This turn saw a massive swing in fortunes. I had realised that my
aggressive assault on Florence was going to make me a threat to my
neighbours but I had...
usually greets our country, but on this day of days, it was greeted by the
Unit of Beardlings
These are Alternative Armies Young Dwafs with a champion from Heartbreaker
mins. Alternative Armies recently re released these. Great little mins to
Royal Yugoslav Air Force Hawker Fury II
Here's my latest effort: a Hawker Fury II in the markings of the Royal
Yugoslav Air Force.
The Fury was, of course, an iconic fighter of the 1930's RAF, ...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Database Update
Current edition army books only filter, 5,000 searchable battles archive,
double batrep notes and more exclusive member accolades.
Hi folks, I've been twe...
Back to School Sale
Save 50%! Sale ends soon!
Back to School Time! Start Learning to Sculpt NOW! We are happy to announce
we have released the second course in our three part ...
Dornier Skyservant
Hace más de treinta años que hice mi primer Skyservant. Logicamente no ha
sobrevivido tanto tiempo, pero encontré una maqueta original de Matchbox de
%## Watch The Right Stuff Movie Streaming
[image: Watch The Right Stuff Movie Streaming]
%## Free Watch The Right Stuff Streaming Online Runtime 193 minutes and
Released on 1983-10-21 MPAA Rating is...
Bolt Action WW1 from Osprey
The recent slew of WW1 tanks gave it away but Osprey have just officially
announced a publication date for Bolt Action WW1 rules of a year from now.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
So... A long time has passed and much have changed. Last time I wrote a
post on this blog of mine, we were barely into the 6th edition of Warhammer
40k. No...
1910: The Battle of Purleigh (part two)
The British reaction to the surprise German invasion in September 1910 was
criticised by the press as being tardy and it took almost a week for the
first m...
Great Customer Service!
Guys this is not a paid advertisement. I want to give a big nod to Gavin
who owns Irresistible Force in Brisbane, Queensland.
Last week I called Gav to a...
DBA Early Crusaders vs Ayyubid Egyptian
Greetings!!! It's been far to long, but we've managed to have a game of
DBA. To be fair the horrors are growing up & doing what teenagers do.
Gaming ha...
Shiny Goodness
As a break from the normal stuff, I've been painting some 42mm toy
soldiers. They are from the Little Britons range produced by Spencer Smith
Miniatures an...
Sungem Run Review by UndeadViking
G’day guys, You may have seen a bit of information filtered through the
blog of our next game ‘Sungem Run!’ Well, we are getting very close to
launching ou...
Kabar Lowongan Kerja Manado Agustus 2014 Terbaru
*Kabar Lowongan Kerja Manado Agustus 2014 Terbaru - **Lowongan Kerja
Terbaru* kali ini akan memberikan informasi *Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru* .
Lowongan K...
D&D Fifth Ed. Starter Box
Another package waiting for me today when I arrived home from work; the D&D
fifth edition starter box. A bit of an impulse buy when I ordered it, but
Pop's Cafe, the return of the Greasy Spooners
I'm back.
Yes, it has been 4 years, but I have a good-ish excuse. In those four years
I got promoted (yeah!) which left me little time for lunchtime excurs...
Hail Mary .....of the LIVING DEAD!!!!
So I somehow managed to knock out another 60-something zombies before this
baby arrives, nothing fancy here, I didn't even texture the bases. I
figured I ...
Bahasa Jawa di facebook~
Buat yang pengen ganti bahasa jawa, tapi dalam pengaturan nggak ada =)
maklum lah, wong jowo☺
- Pertama Log in atau masuk ke Facebook kamu bila be...
Tintin au Congo
Another entry from the Colonial Painting Expedition on the Lead Adventure
Forum. Can't believe we've had sixty-two entries already. A little
A really nice scene I caught on my phone the other night while out for a
stroll. The harvest is upon us!!
Well it has been a wonderful spring and ear...
Lunar Peltasts
These are *Black Tree Design* Persian Guards. I've replaced the shields
with peltast-style ones from the spares box.
These guys represent the Silver Shi...
Moving: Now posting at 4+ Tough
So, this site has been in an inactive mode for a while, mostly because I've
fallen out of love with 40k and into Warmachine, and also because I just
Back to the Desert
I have recently been reading Patrick Macrory's excellent history of the
First Anglo-Afghan War, titled "The Fierce Pawns." This got the colonial
juices flo...
Schwinn Turismo Swivel Jogging Stroller
Pacific Cycle, read the full Schwinn Swivel Double Jogging Stroller Review
The Turismo Double Jogging Stroller from Schwinn, is an amazing stroller
for acti...
A brand new addition to the forces of the Frei Stadt, the Graf Georg von
Kumwarden Fusilier regiment. Its service record is yet to be established,
but I ex...
The Reason for the Silence... such as it is.
As per usual I begin with an apology - and this the most earnest of those
so far: so very sorry for the abruptness and the length (!) of my silence.
I am i...
The Dark Knight Full Movie Online
Watch The Dark Knight Full Movie Streaming Online Duration 152 minutes and
broadcast on 2008-07-18 MPAA rating is 4699.
- *Status :* Released
- *R...
Wallpapers de autos muy bonitos (10 imágenes)
AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota type='html'>
[image: Wallpapers de autos muy bonitos (10 imágenes)]
Algunos les llaman *autos, otros coches, ...
Memories, Tangents and the Power of the Pastoral
*Charles Stadden 30mm BEF released fifty(ish) years ago*
It occurs to me that wargaming the Great War is not going to be a straight
forward thing.
Casting Season
It's casting season here at the Lead Gardens. The weather has "springed
up" and it's perfect for getting
outside and starting on some summer casting proj...
Zombie! Survivor Sheet Update
Still a design made in Google Drawing: version 5 of the Zombie! survivor
sheet has been updated with 4 new attributes, as well as some more flavour:
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint
I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice
little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together.
My only ...
Virginia Provincial Regiment.
Months ago Galloping Major Miniatures were doing a deal on their new
FIW range- so I went ahead and bought some of their very nice figures -
'but its ea...
10mm A.W.I. Unit Finished.
I've got the 10mm unit finished that I started painting in the previous
posting . I was going to try photographing them outside - but as this photo
was ...
Risorgimento or Garibaldi in Sicily 1860
I studied the Italian Unification at school and it was fascinating; This
lead to following Garibaldi's career and especially his amazing campaign in
A long time of no posting.
Well, it has been a good year since anything got posted here.
In that time, I have certainly not been idle in my gaming, but rather have
been very distract...
Panzer IV F1
I am still around and I am still painting. I may have to 'reboot' this
blog as I know bunch of pictures arent showing up.
Any way here is what I was wo...
Greater Daemon of Slaanesh
I painted this guy (gal?) a while back but for some reason I didn't post
about it. I wouldn't say I enjoyed the painting process that much. Painting
a la...
Hello to all followers of this blog. I have decided to move the blog to a
new address.
This falls in line with our youtube channel and makes the most sense...
Top Best Pillow For Side Sleepers
A terrific day starts having a wonderful night of slumber, and also the
pillow you select influences the real quality of your slumber. The best
pregnancy p...
Germany on Mars in 1889, in The Dream Forge
Anders Blixt in Stockholm Sweden writes a thoughtful and entertaining blog
entitled The Dream Forge, covering a wide range of fantasy and science
fiction t...
War of 1812 Attack on Ft. Erie
My good friend Bob (who's a painting machine) wanted to put on a large War
of 1812 game at the Hotlead gaming convention this past weekend. Because
the h...
Just a shy attempt
*After such a long break in posting I nearly feel I should introduce myself
*So I seem to be the same Ańa... still a red-haired girl with glasses and a...
The Mission, by Larry Hunter
* Devin Hester, a great player, is off the Bears for 2014, Sad to see him
Well, it has been another season, and now the Bears besides letting
Niemiecki park maszyn cz.5
Znowu szybka wrzuta. Przykleiłem gąsienice i koła do Hanomagów. Teraz
zajmuję się malowaniem załogantów (do skończenia mam oporządzenie; kamuflaż
już ...
Hello??.... Hello!!.... anybody here?? Wow its been ages since anyone was
in here, even the mousses left this place. Time to do a huge spring
cleaning, la...
Second World War comparisons on "World War 20mm"
Piers Brand has recently posted a side by side shot of several figures
painted in his inimitable style. They represent a number of different 20mm
metal ma...
The Three Amigos...
I picked up these little beauties from Merlyn's in Spokane last weekend,
the IS3 heavy tank platoon by BattleFront. Very good sculpts, and the resin
History Is Bunk!
It’s been a slow week or so. I have done little in the way of gaming; the
solitaire C&C: Ancients battle of Raphia has not moved since last Sunday.
US Mechanized Infantry 3rd Squad
I've now finished the third squad for the US Mechanized Infantry Platoon.
Next job is to get the four Bradley IFV's finished for them so they can
enter th...
More 15mm Orcs painted this weekend.
This weekend I worked on finishing another squad of Orcs. Note: These minis
are OOP and are no longer being sold. I Also removed the banners that were
Fortified Chapel
Hi, folks. Here's another bit of terrain for our Kings of War table. It's a
fortified chapel made from a Pegasus Hobby Gothic City Building Large Set.
I ad...
PP Announcement! New Hordes Model!
*"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's
listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth
full ...
Bolt Action – The Rock of Anzio
My next major project has been involved in a brand new game for me – Bolt
Action by Warlord Games. I’ve never been much of a history buff so despite
many ...
NORAD reports the crash of an extraterrestrial object deep in the
Appalacian mountains. The Guardians are dispatched to report on and recover
any possible...
15mm Viking Army
These are my Vikings, opposition for the Saxon Army from my last post.
There are a few less of these guys but they have a lot more of the heavily
armed and...
Greetings, I have moved the rock I was under
Greetings troops,
Happy 2014!
I must apologize that 2013 was a quiet year on the blog. I must thank all
you followers for sticking with me. Just a quick...
Christmas “Domes” for 2013
A few years ago, I began making these for the special people in my
life…sometimes they are purely whimsical and sometimes they have a hidden
meaning, speci...
One year in review - or two…
The year 2013 is coming to an end, and it seems a good time to pop back on
my DestoFante blog for a quick update. Blogging has clearly taken a
backseat in ...
Deadzone: Enforcer Missile Launcher Conversion
OK. Completed the conversion of the Enforcer Missile Launcher. Overall I
think he came out well. I am not an expert on Green Stuff, but I think I
gave an e...
Happy Xmas & all the various holidays
Seems to be a new tradition that December runs over me, repeatedly, like a
herd of reindeer on meth.
What a month.
So please excuse the pathetic trickle...
Video Battle Report - Tau vs. Space Marines
I played a 2k game against Marky Mark's Assault Rammin' Space Marines this
week and made a new video battle report. When I made my latest 'big' list
of T...
Games from the 2013 Congress
A few pics of some of the games at the Napoleonic Congress this year
the brave frigate cops it form a first rate at close range!
French vs British Penins...
Building the Gundam - 08
Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put
them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority.
The Gundam ha...
Voyages Diabolique
Soon after the release of *Wessex Games*' *Voyages Extraordinaires*,
Victorian Adventure Gaming rules in 2000, I planned to release an
accompanying set for...
The Ambush
No game this week, but last week we played our third game in the new Tour
of Darkness Campaign - I just never got around to typing up the report.
Rick ...
WTJ & Panzerschiffe -- Comparison Photos
The following photos show a comparison between some 1/2400 scale
Russo-Japanese War Pre-Dreadnought Cruisers.
Panzerschiffe "Diana" above; WTJ "Aurora" bel...
Campaign's End - CampaignHammer fluff
Some Dwarf vs Undead fluff over on CampaignHammer.
We decided to end the campaign at the end of year 7.
The Undead faction battles to hold the city and k...
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt – diorama start
Since I quite enjoyed the Beastman and Greatsword diorama, I decided to
take a stab at another. While I have a few lying around, I haven’t really
painted t...
Aphid barker - Assembly
Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2
Kickstarter miniatures.
This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...
The History of England Podcast
[image: King John]
King John
I have been fairly busy the last month-- more so than even usual with three
kids all in extracurricular activities-- and one o...
Blue Moon Foreign Legion miniatures.
I have not had a chance to update the Prehistoric Zoo in some time. Life
and lack of funds have gotten in the way of idle blogging. Though
stretching the t...
Painting station moved
So been a couple of weeks since my last post. Was on vacation last week and
flew out to Santa Cruz, CA. Also spent a couple of days in San Francisco
and ...
Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line
So I've decided to build an Aegis Defence Line for my Imperial Guard a week
back. I also wanted it to be a sort of display for my army and I want to
make i...
The Ballad of Sir Hugo and Gui Le Batard
*The Bridge on the River Wye*
*The Raid On The Grain Store*
We played the first two scenarios from the first of the Warheads books. Sir
Hugo w...
A New Project
I am very conscious that it has been a while, a very long while since I
posted anything. Life seemed to overtake me for a very long time. I have
painted a ...
Sheer Idiocy
I really don't get it. I just don't get it.
To be clear. I have never...EVER.. said that "I can outsell 'storeX'". If
the owner/owners of 'storeX', want to...
Site archived
I regret that owing to concerted spam and hacking attacks, I have removed
the content from this site. Those of you interested in following what I’m
up to c...
Unrest and Dissent in the North
*WHEN THE MOSELEY GOVERNMENT of the British Union of Fascists* was
appointed by King Edward VIII in 1937, was when the country was tipped over
the edge t...
Trying out a kickstarter
If you frequent TMP much you'll have noticed that Kick-starters have taken
off in a big way the last year or so. Up until now I have quite happily
avoid th...
Counts as Typhus model, and 180 painted zombies
Im sorry I don't have a lot of time to talk, but this guy is my Typhus and
below are 180 zombies that I had paint commissioned. If I was anywhere
near ...
Road to Tebessa - AAR
Played the Road to Tebessa scenario yesterday at Gauntlet. As usual I got
so caught up in the game that I didn't take pictures of all the action The
game o...
Hey guys don't forget tomorrow starts SpikeyCon run by my pal Rob Baer whom
some of you 40k people know as Mad Boy Genius on BOLS and the creator of
the bl...
Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter is Live!
G’day guys, Just wanted to share the link to the Kickstarter to my first
game Dawn – Rise of the Occulites.
Back Again!
Real life has a nasty habit of getting in the way sometimes, and the last
six months plus has been busy to say the least, meaning that I haven't been
Doctor who?
I have had the police box sitting around for some time; finally got it
painted. The basing is just to try to tie it in to a Victorian date.
"Bonnie Blue Flag" ACW convention Australia 2013
*Friday Night 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July. “Bonnie Blue Flag”
ACW weekendGoulburn Soldiers ClubCnr Market and Sloane stGoulburn
Flames of War army purchased!
Well I hit Brookhurst Hobbies pretty hard on my vacation and picked up some
stuff. There are 4 E8's, 3 Jumbos, and 4 M4A3's of differing styles. This ...
Freshly Painted Pulp Figures
I just received around 30 pulp figures back from Doc Merkury who did a
great job painting these for me. I am currently going through the finishing
Скидки в магазине "Studio Ultraterrain"
Друзья, больше всего в жизни я хочу, чтобы вы делали террейн! Сами, своими
ручками создавали большие и маленькие шедевры, а потом наслаждались ими.
A bit of wet work
A couple of weeks ago Mexican Dave dropped into the conversation "I quite
fancy doing some historical Naval gaming." and as usual I jumped in with
both fee...
Flames of war - open fire Germans
I was given this as a present for Christmas (after some rather in subtle
hinting from me) Mrs Kipper treated me, like many of a certain age I've
had/ playe...
My new little photostudio....
Last week I found a post in my favorite Wargaming Forum about a small photo
studio. It looked inetersting and so I purchased one for about 25 €.
It contain...
Steam Navvies
Managed to spend a few hours on Sunday painting. Here are some figures I
painted some time ago but finished off yesterday with a very quick base job.
These ...
Napoleon: a Kickstarter
Found this on Kickstarter the other day. While not in the block buster
league of some of the projects (Reaper Bones for example), it seems a good
value fo...
2500 pts O&G Swedish Comp 11-12
There is a tournament coming up in the middle of April that I shall be
attending. This will mark the first full-scale tournament that features the
Swedish ...
media: nazi zombie army götterdämmerung
Jonathan Green has written an e-book set in the *Sniper Elite* game
universe entitled, *Nazi Zombie Army: Götterdämmerung.* Seems right up our
street, and ...
Reviews of Worlds of Arthur
Some nice words from James Palmer (of the University of St Andrews) on the
subject of my book can be found here. I think he’s very satisfyingly got
the po...
Marengo Scenario 7 with Carnage and Glory II.
Once again Tom Garnett and Keith Rocco hosted a game of Marengo. This was
Tom's 7th scenario of the battle of Marengo *"First Battle of the Consular
That is not dead which can eternal lie ...
... and with strange aeons even death may die.
I'm not dead, just working on something else. That "something else" should
be released before the end of the...
Zen to Done: the Third Step
In the ZTD system, the third step is to "Plan." By that Babuta suggests
determining the major things that need to be done at the beginning of the
week, an...
Back from AWOL.
Hi everyone, it has been too long. I got a chance to kick around the house
today for the first time in months and decided I would make it a priority
to po...
Hawkmoon Figures from Eureka Miniatures
A little bird tells me that Eureka Miniatures have permission from Michael
Moorcock to do a "Hawkmoon" figures range.
I have seen some test shot casts and...
Howdy Y'all. Well I've been busy with going back to college but I have been
working on some wargaming stuff. A big project, my Late Romans for Impetus
& Sa...
Ral Partha Orcs
Here are four Ral Partha orcs I painted late in 2012. I have an bunch of
minis from the old AD&D line, and decided to paint a few up. The
BattleSystem S...
Did you guys back the Up Front Kickstarter?
Obviously, this is about 2 weeks too late, but still, it's worth noting the
success of the Up Front Kickstarter, which easily hit 10x its funding goal,
Empress Miniatures ECW cavalry 1
I already have a lot of Renegade's ECW cavalry but haven't painted anything
except a unit of cuirassiers. For the English Civil War this is obviously ...
Toodle-oo Dahlings
It is bye bye time for Blogger as the stupendous Gemigabok blog heads off
to the actual Gemigabok site. So see you all there!
Try This! The Hipster
Sometimes as women, we feel like we can't get made love to rather than
with. Why? Missionary is so awesome, but there isn't much leverage unless
you chang...
And time to break my hiatus again! (In deference to the last post - I've
started using FB more too.) Thanks to an agreement with a friend, I've
started pa...
The Last Post
All things must pass, and so it is to be with NDC Blog. ‘Why?’ I hear you
wail (with murmurings of ‘big deal’ in the background). Well this blog was
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Orks in 2mm scale
After a rather long pause, here is an update in the blog, about my new 2mm
Fantasy army: the Orks. The Irregular 2mm Fantasy range has some specific
ACW Union: Part 2
This weeks painting was completed in time to catch the sunshine for some
alright photos. I will stick some temp flags on them soon. The real flags
will be ...
Alfred the Great - 1969 Film
Its very disappointing when one gets a chance to relive a cherished
childhood memory, and it doesn't live up to one's recollections. That is
the case for ...
Tiny Tin Men moving to Blogger
After almost ten years at my own domain (the first post on it was way back
in early 2004), with a Movable Type install I managed myself, I have
decided t...
Hamburg Tactica 2013
Hamburg Tactica 2013 am 23./24. Februar. Die Liste der Veranstaltungen
klingt wieder sehr interessant. Nur noch drei Monate, ich denke ich fange
besser an...
GW Hobbit Releases Available For Pre-Order
*Games Workshop* has announced a plethora of pre-releases for its
forthcoming *The Hobbit* games, the main release being a boxed *Escape From
Goblin Town* ...
Where the hell is Rob?
I would like to apologise for sort of letting this blog float off into the
distance so far that I could never reel it back in again. My projects hav...
Moving Locations
Well, the title says it all. I've decided to revamp my websites and as part
of this "Across the Table" is on the move. To visit my revised site please
Powrót? Zobaczymy...
Cześć wszystkim, może jeszcze ktoś czasem tu zagląda :)
Przez 2 lata pochłonęło mnie granie, aczkolwiek na instrumencie a nie stole
z bitewniakami, w sumie ...
Property Management Arlington VA
Property managers are one of the very important person who is taking care
of your property ? Property Management Arlington VA is providing you the
best ...
"Farewell Ladies"!
Hi Guys
It's been a very long time since I updated my blog, (sorry).
A deployment to Afghanistan and some 'Real Life' issues have got in the way.
Today I'...
Blowing one's own horn
I decided to take part of my day off to do a tiddly bitmore on the beast of
Gorgoroth. As I find chains the most annoyng thing to paint, I did them
They came from the north
Out of the chaos wastes of the north - daemons. Some figures I've done
recently for our Warhammer RPG gaming - these cover the most commonly
encountered da...
[Malifaux] Run and Hyde, it's avatar Seamus....
Apologies for the bad pun in the title. Here's the new big guy for my gang
- turns out Seamus has a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde complex without the Dr
Jekyll ...
More Vikings....
Finished the next two Vikings. Gripping Beast and Artizan.
Pictures still aren't the best, but for the moment that's all there is.
The next pair ar...
So how many figures have you painted again?
I always set a goal in each calendar year to paint a certain number of
figures. I'm always hoping to buy far fewer figures than I paint so I can
cut into ...
Dux Brit army nearing completion
After having given the new TFL Dux Brittaniarum rules (see a spin during the playtest time I've been
working on painting my Gri...
Time to wave goodbye AVBCW.Recent changing and a continued snapping at my
heals from a few but one person in particular and take the fun and idea of
a gent...
Star Wars X-Wing unboxed!
Well, it has been quite some time since a posting here.....OK, so Paul from
the Man Cave has a lot to answer for! He has caused me, yet again, to
succumb t...
Romanos imperiales y últimos encargos
Tras el verano, entre encargos de pintura y vacaciones, decidí darme un
poco el gusto de pintar por deleite, por el mero hecho de pintar, vaya, y
me decid...
So, I've made the frequent disclaimer I pretty much suck at keeping my blog
updated. But it does happen on occasion and hopefully those of you still
Current projects
After lots of sorting out of the lead pile, and an ongoing ebay sell off
I've settled on a couple of periods that I want to spend real time on. The
first i...
Dux Britanniarum
I was in Orc's Nest today and picked up the new *Dux Britanniarum *rules by
the appallingly named *Too Fat Lardies*. They also had the new Osprey *Dux ...
Eden - Horde models painted...
Well sort of, at least I have tried to base coat and ink something.... I
need to get these up to standard so I can finish my Resistance crew.
Assembled res...
Metal finishes
Here's the first model painted with the Alcald line of metallic paints.
It's a Korean war era fighter. F-86F
Been pretty busy working on scale models t...
End of an era...
Well folks, Blood & Blades has come to an end. Things have come full
circle and it is time to move on and start fresh. I have decided to start
a new bl...
Eldar Warlock WiP.
Okay, it’s almost Friday and I’ve found some time to take a picture of
Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something
that’s been...
WI298 - EW Russians (Invasion of Poland)
[image: Photobucket]
In what is becoming a tradition with this blog, today I present pictures of
the EW Soviet army list from Wargames Illustrated #298. I...
Hail Zlobenia!
I picture of PFU troops from Zlobenia. The Zlobs have always been more open
in their views about the outside world, and see the current conflict as a
The Last Post
That's it. All done. I would like to thank Baccus 6mm, Freezywater
Publications and The Lance and Longbow Society for their generous support
with this proj...
A Couple of Short Scraps
It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but we have still been
playing out the campaign in the meantime. Our battle at Markendorf
finished prematur...
Nuke the Site from Orbit...
...It's the only way to be sure!
Aliens. One of the seminal, defining sci-fi combat movies.
So here are some 15mm figures from Quick Reaction Force (QRF)...
Lancers forward!
Some Imperial Mexican lancers looking to skewer any poor republicans that
happen in their way. First Corp figures converted from their Rush's Lancers
Your Money or your Life!
The Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure campaigns at Indiegogo are
now live! 19 adventures by really famous RPG blokes, such as Vincent Baker,
Arab-Israeli Wars in 3mm
The AIW Reader is a blog intented to be a useful database primarily
intented for wargamers although hopefully the entries will also be of ...
India Travel
If yоu have еvеr thought оf еxperiеnсіng the myѕtic bеаutу оf hіllѕ, exоtіс
bеautу of the bеachеs, саѕcading beauty оf thе rіvеrѕ and thе thrill оf thе
The Floodgates Open
Wow, here we are just a few weeks away from Sixth Edition, and finally the
rumor floodgates have opened and begun to spew forth information...
There's a ...
its been awhile
I know I haven't posted anything in awhile but life has come along lately
and slowed much of my work down. The b-17 is coming along and I have
completed th...
Originally posted on AW1 Tim's Blog:
Scott the Badger reminds us all that today, 4 June, marks the 68th
anniversary of Torpedo 8’s famous attack against th...
Model sale off on eBay
Dear readers, it’s been a while from my last post. The reason is that not
only I had switch to another, more demanding job back on 2008, but the
The Complete Flash Gordon Library
*Titan Books* are releasing *The Complete Flash Gordon Library*, collating
all the newspaper comic strips in a series of hardback books. A welcome
release ...
Dick Garrison Rapid Launch Released
*Dick Garrison Rapid Launch*, the basic rules from our forthcoming Pulp SF
rules *The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Dick Garrison* are now
[Project News] Back on Track...
Well it's been a few weeks since my last update here, but things have been
ticking away in the background at Martians & Machine Guns since the last
time I ...
Battle of Waterloo - Move 11
Table at the start of move 11
Top left – Clinton moves his corps to left of cross roads
Top right – French firefight with highlanders on ridge
Bottom left ...
Byzarbia at Ayton Game.
Once again it's been a while, though in my defence I plead that I have been
busy painting figures for our second Ayton Weekend Game, even forgoing two
of o...
Field of Battle 2nd Ed., la prova con la GNW
Venerdi scorso, abbiamo provato il regolamento *Field of Battle (2nd
edition) *con uno scontro nella GNW. Devo premettere che ero piuttosto
prevenuto su ...
Just frigate about it.
...In which our protagonist shows off the miniscule Dutch 30-gun ship.
It's small. Tiny, even. And... bright blue?
I'm not particularly thrilled with t...
For sale - Painted 28mm WSS Bavarians
There comes a point when you need to rationalise what you game and
collect. I never really got into WSS, but I did pick these Bavarians up
somewhere. A wh...
Zvezda WW1 Russian Infantry
Okay, I admit these are great figures. Normally I don't like assembling
figures. I say to myself, "If I want a kit, I'll buy a kit." In this case,
Garrisoning the Collina Della Formica
*You* probably thought this project was dead and buried. Well, it's still
A pair of *Tiroler Kaiserjage*r manning a *Schwarzlose* MMG on an
Models for sale and new book!
I mentioned before that I would be selling most of my collection. After
much deliberation, I will be keeping some of it (such as my 15mm ECW
project which ...
Corporate Incomes - Mercenary outfit
Finally finished my second PA faction this time a Mercenary outfit going by
the company name Corporate Incomes. There are several mercen...
Move Along...Move Along!
In case anyone hasn't found out, The Drunken Gamers have become 'Dice
Devils' and can be found at
Thanks for checking us out, see you...
Self promotion
OK, sorry for not posting anything earlier.
I was really very busy with my IT exams [RHCSA/RHCE/Postgres Plus Associate
followed by Professional] at work ...
Well work has absorbed what little time I have avaliable of late so here
is a very quick update as to what I have managed to achieve over the past 3
28mm Napoleonic command , for sale
all indviduals $30 each, all doubles $60..all forms of payment accepted,
however Paypal gets you a surcharge unless you make it a personal payment.
PP+P no...
Painted Cromwells
Here are some painted Hät Armourfast Cromwells that will be brilliant to
fight with the Revell British Infantry in the Western Front.
Now that they have bee...
The fun never ends!
I wish to show you my latest works
I based all napoleonic polish and russian troops from painting service
(Stonewall Figures),now I have thousands of th...
Basing Tutorial
Greetings one and all! Hope the new year's treating you well so far.
Been rather busy working lately, so haven't made any progress on the rest
of my Warrior...
Clearing a nest of Sea Rats!
A group of slave-traders (who were thought to be operating out of Marzibar)
set up a temporary base inside an old abandoned coastal fort on the ...
Plastic Soldier Company 15mm - Sdkfz(s) - part 2
Hi there,
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
This week I had a lot of work but could find some spare time to work on my
I decided to go for the 5 Sdkfz C, s...
Comments closed
Although this blog will stay up for the sake of posterity I am turning of
the comments option as I am fed up fending off loads of spam comments. I
hope peo...
Selling and getting out
Hello all! Apologies for the lack of updates but the reality is, I haven't
done anything in the hobby for over a year. I've not really had the time or
My new Napoleonic blog for 2012.
As this old blog still gets lots of hits I thought I would place a link to
my new project here for anybody who might care to follow it's development.
It's ...
The End of the Frugal Year(s)
As you may have noticed I haven't been posting on the blog too much
recently. This is, in part, to it's success; I've been playing too many
games and ge...
Spanish Review
Sr. Troll, from La Cueva del Sr. Troll (Mr. Troll's Cave), have published a
review of Brytenwalda in Spanish. Of course you can use an online
translator to...
Count down to Crossover Part 4: The pitch
So here we are at the end of Countdown but hopefully the beginning of
something great:
Now whether Crossover comes into being or not is kind of in your ha...
NY3K game report
For those of you who aren't following the NY3K blog (and should feel
ashamed), here's a link to the first game report.
*Pour ceux qui ne suivent pas le blog...
The Pack Elite - Part 2
*I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working
on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have
what to...
Link to 1813 Tortosa Campaign
The next phase of the 1813 campaign will be in north east Spain and will
deal with the Spanish attempt to take the city of Tortosa.
I have started a new b...
New Directions
At the beginning of this month, I wrapped up a series of daily posts on the
battle of White Plains, and the events leading up to it. As much as I
enjoyed ...
Nery 1914 game
I hosted my first 1914 game the other day at my store. The game was to
represent the action at Nery between British and German Cavalry. The
British had one...
Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?
This has been a topic of debate with myself really and I can imagine with
most of the rest of you.
On the surface I immediately went straight to Immortals ...
More boards
Hi all Another update on progress. I’ve been gluing two boards together a
day so after a few days I’ve finished 8 boards. You can see the river
section I c...
Force on Force à l'AMJH
De plus en plus de joueurs se mettent à Force on Force dans mon club de jeu
de l'AMJH. De plus les joueurs peignent des figurines et fabriquent
Osprey Issue Harrier Units and Tojo Aces Books
*Osprey Publishing* have released two new aviation books this month.
First off is *AV-8B Harrier II Units of Operations Desert Shield and Desert
Storm*, *"...
Lip Beating - Severius hammers Thagrosh
Where I live the loser of a fight is often described as having "the lips
beat off of them". This happened on Saturday night when Kenoth of Menoth
brought a...
40K scrap modelling
I have a boxful of bits of kits including some old GW vehicles. I think the
bit in the top photo come off what is called a Rhino? Anyway I never liked
The african terrain is set
As we needed a lot of new terrain for africa we thought we had better see
what it looked like before the game.
we have used fish tank vegitation, artificial...
Normal service will resume shortly
Hi all
some explanations for my enforced absence may be required. I have not
posted anything for the last 6 months or so as i had to pack up all my
Some more plastic hoplites
*The three legged symbol is that of the Alcmaeonid clan*
I have just finished four more Immortal Miniatures plastic hoplites which,
as usual, were prett...
Boots on the Ground-- a sort of review
from Worthington's BotG page Several months ago I received *Boots on the
Ground* which I had pre-ordered from Worthington Games. It is a very
Rule 15 – Cavalry v Infantry Combat
Only cavalry and must have Attack, Engage or Hold orders
One brigade per side
Infantry may not charge cavalry,
If infantry advance cavalry must ...
Sorry for the dismal lack of new goodies on the blog of late, this solely
being due to me starting a new teaching post which is taking just about all
my ti...
Torgau 2011
Our last major game was a refight of Torgau
This one was fought - as usual using the excellent King of the Battlefield
rules - as a contest over 5 victory ...
Here we have some dastardly Hun allies for my Gothic led raiding party.
Here are the armies I have lined up for next Tuesdays game.
no Name
1 ...
Back on the Horse!
Wow! It's been a long time since my last post! The path has largely been
cleared for me to share my miniature wargaming exploits, so let's get into
Tournament Report
Well... no updates for a while, but this tournament got me back into FoW
;). Right now I'm just going to post a report and in a few days time I'll
post som...
2nd Saturday Update
All I can say is the quality of play went up dramatically. Both sides have
started to understand what the campaign consequences are going to do to
them on...
Two shows down
First Partizan and then one nearer to home, just completed in two weeks.
Unfortunately either the full time job or space at other shows is
restricting me f...
Blog Harassment
I am sorry to say that I have had to select comment moderation as a
permanent feature now. I am sick and tired of being harassed by a follower
of this blog...
Sniper vet
A small side project, one Yukoni sniper veteran. I built him initially as a
one-off for a competition, but I think he just became the prototype for
what my...
15mm Deckplans
I picked up a copy of AE: Bounty the other day. I want to run a 15mm
I printed out a set of the Star Station Zero 15mm deck plans on card stock...
So it Begins...
*An Introduction:*
I love Warhammer Quest. For many Warhammer players this game may hold great
memories. In short for those who haven't heard of it, it is ...
Whats happening here.....
This blog is being set up to show a new and developing gaming project, from
inception to creation. My gaming has taken a big hit recently, life
focussing m...
Barking Irons Online - Replaces this Blog
Hello Everyone,
This will be the last posting on this blog as we have moved to a bigger and
more shiny home over at and it is there...
Battle of Geuberbach [ Schwabian Times Report ]
Yesterday our brave troops engaged the invading Harzburg hordes. This
reporter interviewed many of the participants and the available bystanders,
their st...
Time to evolve
Though I like the storage capacity of canalblog (5GB), I'm tired of the too
many maintenance problems which block the access to the blog. So I've
(PM-05) Cretan Archers - Part 1
This is a bit of a quickie project. It's part of my experiments with
"dipping." I've posted a bit abour my first experiment at my regular blog.
As a "quic...
Tech Cultist Bust for sale
So if anyone is interested my Tech Cultist is for sale... please spread the
news, let people know and make possible I don't run out of putty :)
[image: A...
Well, its been a year...
And I haven't posted anything for a very simple reason: I have done damned
near nothing with anything Warhammer-y.
Oh, and whatever I have done is over on ...
A year in review
Well, its been nearly a year since i last made a post to the blog!
The last year has been so hectic for me that writing the blog was often the
last thing ...
SBH SOLO Vikings VS Hunters of Evil
With my new love of Universal Battle, I have run yet another solo game.
This time it was the under dog Vikings VS the Vet Hunters of Evil.
I set the game u...
Amazons and a SpellSinger!
Here are some pictures of some AMAZONS my dad painted.
He is going to use them for his TROJAN WAR game, but he said I can use them
for my Fantasy games ...
Folks have been asking for a review of critter commandos so I thought I
would give it a bash!
Critter Commandos!
The book is separated into...
Paint, Partying and Prelims
Not posted in quite a while, this is due to the fact I have been
incessantly busy. I have been trawling my way through a massive box of 15mm
goodies that t...
Some more scenics
So, I’ve finished the last of the commissioned pieces my friend Rodney
asked me to paint. One was a nice ruined resin Spanish home in 28mm by
Vac-U-Form (I...
Time to say goodbye.
You may remember last year, during Icecrown progress, that I spent weeks
and months grinding for an achievement. Specifically, I wanted the title
"Payce th...
US Weapons platoon
One of the first platoons I painted up for my US Riflemen was the Weapons
platoon, because I figured every US force needed this kind of thing. Turns
out I ...
Astro Mag Issue 8!
Hey guys, Astro Mag Issue 8 is out! Go download it, won't you?
Also, apologies for the lack of activity. I have a lot of Dark Eldar
sitting next to my de...
if it ain't broke...
Having read through *Iron Cow* again I realised that it didn't need much
tweaking following the feedback Some I took on board so there are subtle
changes t...
97 - Blood Ravens Tactical Squad "Contemptus"
Here we have the ten marines who make up my first tactical squad, "
Contemptus." The Sergeant is armed with a Power Fist and the two
specialists are equipp...
New early Byzantines in prospect
This, my most unloved blog, hasn't see a post for three years, largely
because I was unhappy with the figures available for the middle Byzantine
Super Shader results
Super shader Black
Group - blocked colours and then black shader on uniform. Dry - highlight a
super shader dark
For this greatcoat I used montan...
A new project scale
For X-mas I got a series of 54mm home casting molds. They are US Army and
Middle Eastern opposition. The gaming potential for these is rather
obvious. But ...
RIP Major Winters
This week there is one less member of the 'Band of Brothers'. Major Richard
Winters who lead E company from the the landings in June 1944 through the
end o...
Ramshackle Releases 2
Heres some more of the releases that Ramshackle have produced over the last
couple of months:
Scrap Tank
Iron Grumbler
Biker Gang
Favors equal new bonds ...
The Spirit Nicole landed with little flair or commotion. Landing bay
robots swarmed to welcome the newest tenant. Dust and heat combined in
swirls as th...
Happy New Year 2011!
Another year is upon us and I've decided it is time to consider my gaming
resolutions for 2011. Without further ado, here they are:
1) Thin my miniatures c...
I’ve been a good boy.
Santa brought me some stuff for xmas. He thought since I’m starting a new
game this 2011, I might as well start two. Templates set and Khador counter
set f...
Algonquin Scale Creep
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, the run up to which saw any real
chance to proceed with this project come to a grinding halt!
I did receive the *Eur...
last post b4 xmas
no doubt this will be my last post before Xmas, with some international
brigade figures finished and a republican HMG team.but on the paint table
from toda...
The Ghost of Armies Past
While visiting one of my favorite blogs, Zinnsoldatengeneral, I was
admiring some of Andreas Hofer's latest painting masterpieces. He is truly
an arti...
Buying 20mm to small 25mm scales
Im interested in buying one pose each of any figs you have in 20mm to
classic small 25mm scale. I collect and wargame all periods! Please send a
list of wh...
The "Waynes Junction campaign"..
I've decided to revive this old campaign diary project blog to record the
unfolding of events in a new campaign that DG and I have just started...
One of ...
More ATZ!
Game 1:
Again I headed to the LGS today with ATZ, some buildings and zombies. A
friend of mine had a buddy in town and wanted to play some THW games. Since...
Blogging or lack there of.
I have been busy producing a board game, travelling and painting 19th
century figs. I have toyed with the idea of making the Cavenderia blog a
more compreh...
Seems I don't post as often as I should, I really have been doing things
related to gaming including trying one of the largest projects I have ever
tried. ...
An Excuse for my Absence
Well, last week I flipped my truck. For that I received thirteen staples in
my head along with much of my stuff destroyed, just wonderful. There was
some t...
40k Combat Patrol: Wrapup
Well the Combat Patrol has come and gone, i wrestled my way to a 3rd place
spot overall and managed to come away with Best appearance trophy which was
a ni...
hey i haven't posted anything for a while so i thought id show you my zeds
the painted
and the unpainted hoard
i have a few zeds not shown here but...
The Nacht Reitar strikes
Von Pritzwalk’s decision to besiege Dolfstein invariably slowed the hectic
pace that the campaign had so far taken. This was the result of the
battering t...
Jurassic Reich at Little Wars Melbourne
Jurassic Reich was wonderful, and here are a few photos courtesy of Paul
at the Man Cave . Check out the rest of his great Jurassic Reich photos –
New 1813 Campaign Blog
Due to lack of space remaining on this blog, I have moved the main 1813
Campaign to a new blog.
The new blog will be the main diary for the whole 1813 cam...
Battle of Nations 2010 - Part 3
The Battle of nations enters its second hour with a blanket of light snow
dropping visibility down to 500yds at best. The guns fall silent as men and
Battle Report: USMC vs Taliban (FoF)
Well I christened my new double sided grass mat this morning, as well as
the middle eastern building I built over spring break. I realized that my
Scale creep on the workbench!
I have been very satisfied with my slowly growing armies of Union and
Confederate soldiers in 6mm for ACW Black Powder gaming, but for some
reason, I am no...
Ebay/Goodbye: Final goodbye and Salamanders are up.
I'm sorry but i forgot to put up that the warriors and silver skulls had
gone up on ebay but here is the link to my green salamanders marines:
British Army of Venus 2
First up is the Brig, commanding his troops from the front. Next up is the
first section of Infantry, still in Greens, they are painted as members of
the R...
Argossean Test Pieces
Having settled on a uniform for the Aquilonian infantry I decided to have a
crack at the Argosseans. As previously stated they would be my "British"
Games Day 2010 Pics
Well, I hadn't planned to go to Games Day 2010, but I happened to win a
ticket. Many thanks to Shelexie over at Wanna B Painter. At first I was
going to gi...
Black Hat 15 mm Feudals - Vexillia
Something painted by yours truly for a change. Thanks to some spare time
I've painted and photographed some examples of the 15mm Medieval Peasants &
Second Battle of Song Of Blades and Heros
For this battle, I used a scenario from Song of Wind and Water. The ratmen
are attempting to summon a demon around an ancient stone circle, while my
Huginn and Muninn, where are you both?
And so a sliver of sly Odin's wisdom has helped me enter realm of Blog.
SO what are we doing here and where will this Long Boat of a Blog take us?
Moving over to Wordpress
I am saying goodbye to this blog and moving over to blogging all about my
hobby on Wordpress.
Why? Well my hobby has changed over the past couple of mo...
"It's a fez, i wear a fez now, fezes are cool"
The crooked Dice minis sculpted by Kev White..... planning on doing the
Steve B Heresy ones too...but the Amy arrived to late for the original
First unit complete, the 88th foot
The 24 figures are all Perry, the flags are Victrix. In the end it took me
2 weeks but that's only because life got in the way. As I've said, its
around ...
FLASH GORDON Space ships
Within a pocket of space known as a vortex, another dimension artificially
created long ago by a great empire. Beyo... is LIVE!
Check out my new website. It isn't that flashy, in fact it is pretty ghetto
among website standards, but I am doomed to the KISS principle. Please post
Painting Service Launched
Hi Everyone,
The blog has finally been re-named and re-designed (well slightly). I am
happy to annouce that I will also now be accepting painting commisio...
28mm terrain for AE Bounty
just a progress shot of some modular terrain boards Im working on for AE
these are 2 out of 4 boards im working on. each is 24 b...
New Wargame Rule Blogs
The 1813 campaign has been running for more than a year, and I am running
out of space on the original blog.
Over the past few months I have been making...
Terrain: St. Kevin's Church
I have always enjoyed building terrain to battle over. In fact it was the
terrain section of the 3rd edition Catachan Codex that first drew me into
the hob...
For Sale: Dwarf Army
Hello guys! I'm afraid the blog has been rather dead of late, but I am
still out there. I'm currently in the middle of a long stretch of straight
working d...
Malayan Emergency
Ive posted some photos of the time my dad served in the army with the R.A
in Malayia in around 1957-58.
The ship that took him out to Malayia.
Training ...
In preparation for what will hopefully be this summers campaign I have
painted 4 Ground Zero Games (GZG) miniature colonists. Having found myself
Workers Militia
Here's a shot of a couple of the workers militia for A Very British Civil
War (figures by Musketeer Miniatures) that I varnished this afternoon. I
think th...
Peter Watkin's "Culloden"
*The* Battle of Culloden offers a somewhat tenuous clue to the identity of
the unfortunate gentlemen referred to in my *previous post*, but is
certainly re...
French Porte-Fanions.... a little help here.
Next up for my French is another line battalion, I've started with the
figures left over from my first Victrix box and I'm going to add to that
Paul put in a lot of work over the last year to produce the figures for the
Society of Ancients battle Day, Zama.
As with Callinicum last year, we staged o...
The wounds received at the battle of Zama on Saturday have now healed and
once again I am about to attack those pesky Romans, this time with a paint
Moving my blog
Hi !!! I have decided to move my blog to I hope
that you all will continue to follow my blog there. Pleas sign up as a
First game of the Campaign
I have been some what slack in writing, only Scott and I have been busy
preparing for the up and coming battle which will take place this coming
Wednesday ...
Iron Warriors
My first squad of straight marines. Aspiring Champion with a plasma pistol
and power fist, marine with a plasma gun, and another marine with an
Colour Scheme Revisions
I've had a bit more of a think about the color scheme for the Eldar.
I think the original scheme was a step in the right direction, but not
enough. Still to...
Painting: My painting method.
So, the method I have been using for my models is as follows:
prime black
fenris grey
shadow grey
devlan mud wash
general highlight shadow grey
build up to ...
Ironclad updates
Sorry guys, I do not have as much time today for research. But I was able
to update a few of the Confederate Ironclads. There is a lot of conflicting
data ...
Sorry for the lack of news, everyone at TTG has been very busy with school
and life in general... All of us have been working on various aspects of
Greek Command Stand
This photos shows my first Greek command stand for my Spartan
allies/mercenaries. All figures have been painted, varnished and glued to
the base. I reall...
True to my chaotic and apparently random painting tradition, I have started
another army! This time its a Seleucid army I have had kicking about for a
Folding back into TPC
After some discussion, I've decided that Reinforcements will find itself
folded back into The Painting Corps with a bit more detail as an irregular
End of Campaign
End of Campaign
The French withdrew over the river Saale and left the Russians in
possession of the right bank. Despite this setback the French still
The cruiser Powerful, revisited
If you search with Google Image Search, you will find that there are many
photographs of the 1st Class Protected Cruiser Powerful online. Battleships
and C...
Pan from Studio McVey, a review
Wow, I were really happy to find a little package from the UK in my mailbox
today and to find out that it was from Studio McVey. I was stunned by the
mood ...
Goals for 2010
I have one goal for 2010: To complete my Daemons of Chaos army in time to
participate in the Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge. I believe this is in July
or Au...
Progress with the rules
In the evening hours of the past weeks I have been very busy converting all
the draft rules from the wiki page to a proper book format. I had been
going ba...
I'm in the process of moving over to a self hosted wordpress blog.Please
update your bookmarks/feeds/whatever:http://www.flames-of-war.comThanks
Building completion.
It's been a while since my last post, but i've been enjoying many of the
other bloggs as people snap and type away.
This year i've decided to be a bit more...
Welcome ..... leave your pride at the door
Marcus fell into the line with the others of 3rd platoon. A whirlwind of
nerves, excitement and wonder filled his body. His family wished for him
to sta...
Hawker Hurricane Mark 1
What better place to start than with the aircraft that formed the main
strength of Fighter Command up until as late as 1941, the Hawker Hurricane.
By 7 Au...
Inspired by this post on Big Lee's blog, I immediately asked my parents to
get me this game for Christmas so we could all play it as a family! I
received i...
I must apologise for my lack of new content on this site for sometime now –
the reason being is that i am running a online Warhammer 40,000 campaign on
Fallschirmjaeger Kompanie, the basic platoons
Here some pictures of my German Fallschirmjaeger Kompanie, on the pics you
can see the Kompanie HQ standing in the back, with their mortar and schreck
Teutonic Knights - Allies
We'll its been awhile, but I have actually been painting (at my normal
snail's pace). I recently finished a unit of christianized Baltic Tribesmen
for use ...
The Battle of Leon
Spanish corps approach from the east.
The French are too weak to hold all of Leon. The two nearest town sections
are empty, but one infantry brigade hol...
Man o' Man....
Ok so here's the skinny. I pretty much put painting on the backburner for
the last month or so as soon as I realized that I needed to spend more time
Combat Resolution?
*Tarot for the Day:Queen of Mandatio (Scrolls) - The Canoness*
The imposition of discipline; the wisdom of authority; an obligation
imposed upon us by duty...
Test Miniature
Finally I am feeling like normal human again after being sick for the past
week. Here we have after a long delay the pictures of the paint scheme I am
Blood Pact looted Hydra
Well hi! It's been a while. I managed to finish my Hydra and get it painted
up. It turned out better than I thought, though the barbed wire was a real
Incursion Progress
A few free minutes here and there have allowed me to finish one half of my
3D Incursion board basic floor plan. The weird snakelike stain is actually
Seems I have been snowed under with illness and the evils of higher
education again! Watch this space very soon ill be posting some nice
I brought Winston Churchill's biography of his most famous ancestor with me
to France in an effort to finally get through it.
I've managed to get most of t...
On the 194th Anniversary of the Battle of Quatre Bras, I wish to inform all
readers that I am in the process of revamping the site and updating all my
Fad A La Mode?
*In which EG passes time while waiting for the off by being faddy in the
comfort of the Smoking Room at his club.*
So, where do we begin with the Daemonic Codex for Warhammer 40k?
Well, unlike a lot of reviews done via quick posts on forums or a mention
on podcasts, I w...
Magna-Grecia vs. Republican Romans, Basic Impetus
First photo is the battlelines closing (Greeks to the left).
Second photo is the last turn.
Another game under the belt, and we are starting to get some...
Help for the Ministry of Construction
I've been looking for some buildings for my 6mm guys to fight over, without
wanting to pay a fortune for them - these look like they may do the trick.
And ...
56 Spaceships Built
Well, it has been a long time since I last posted to this blog . . . but
I've now finished building and painting some 56 spaceships for Full Thrust.
I've b...
I hear voices
I am excited. I finally figured out how I could get the student's work and
voice-overs onto the blog together. Apple Imovie, Itunes, and Keynote made
it ha...
Website Now Live
Just a quickie to say that my website, Darrell Hindley Figure Painter, is
now live. There are still a few teething problems mainly down to my almost
Painting 15mm AB - Spanish Napoleonics
Hello everyone and thank you for visiting. An article I did for the
Wargames Directory( ) on painting
15mm Spanis...
The British Ambassador's Residence in Cairo
* Lord Cromer's Room*
I spent a few days in Cairo the other week running a meeting with the
Egyptian Government in the British Ambassador's Residence. Thi...
'Blaue' Würzburg IR
1756 Prinz Bischof v. Würzburg
*Unit History*The unit was the sister regiment to the *Rote-Würzburg* which
had red (Rote) facings. The regiment ...
What will you find here?
(last update on this blog: O5.15."14)
[and probably the very last, since I'm tired of blogger raping my privacy
to 'sell' me to adversiters & spammers]
To make updates easier,and to keep content more current, I've moved all the
project data to my main blog page..
Click *here to be taken to the project! [c...
The Elite range has only one Triari pose - and it's a bit limited.
Basically a guy kneeling down. Then I noted that the hastati and principes
figures were...
OV1 Mohawk and B57 Canberra
Two exiting recent additions to the Green Air Force are the Roden kit of
the OV-1 Mohawk and the Classic Airframes kit of the B57B Caberra. Both of
these ...
This Blog will form for me an area where I can drop any and all materials I
put together on my Victorian Science Fiction World the Venus Kolonie.
Why "Venu...